Moreover, because the water cycle loop trajectory may encumber soft moisture across the wet, fresh layer can reduce some of the information, and other expense.
Absorption chiller mainly by the four exchange equipment composition, namely generator, condenser, evaporator and absorber, they formed two cycle loop: refrigerants circulation and absorber cycle.
Because the hint is before the loop body, this code leaves your hint active for every iteration of the loop, but it only has to use one cycle.
The only thing that you cannot do is to create a cycle, meaning the source activity links to the target activity which links back to the source (similar to an endless loop).
The main loop operates on a continuous check-dispatch-sleep cycle.
Note that in combat (or in competition), you want to cycle through the four steps faster and better than the enemy, which is probably working through its own OODA loop.
This is an endless loop that reflects how the user often will cycle between choices until he's made only one.
Loop repeats the cycle with a newly generated random code until a scan of the rows does not produce a match.
Click on a plus sign (+) to expand the corresponding category; click a "loop" to cycle between Skip (which omits the package) and all available versions of the respective package.
You can create the cycle by either using a merge followed by a decision, or by using the loop modeling elements available in Business Modeler.
为了创建循环,您可以在一个merge后接一个decision,或使用Business Modeler中提供的循环建模元素。
Then, it goes through a loop cycle until it satisfies a certain condition and ultimately goes to node 5 -- the final node in the flow.
然后,它一遍遍执行一个循环,直到满足某个条件才最终进行到流中的最后一个节点 ― 节点5。
This still enabled each half cycle to complete its loop through the one-half of primary in the plate circuit and one-half in the cathode circuit.
On the test bed studying the close loop control, applying performance test of some cycle , explain the actual control flow chart at the same time.
When you sort an array using selection sort, you choose the smallest element in the rest of the array on each cycle of the loop.
"Cycle" of Circular economy industrial park consists of four elements: infrastructure cycle, material flow cycle, energy flow and information flow in the loop.
Many regional countries are facing the risk of vicious loop of a rise in non-performing loans and a downswing in the growth cycle.
A loop is used to cycle through the XML file to get the content of all the nodes.
In order to shorten the development cycle, the rapid prototyping technique, including the computer simulation, the hardware-in-loop simulation and the road test, was suggested.
This arithmetic replaces the current loop of average current control as duty cycle prediction.
Ecological drainage system is referred to following the principles of natural and industrial ecologic system and cycling economic pattern with which substances cycle with closed loop.
The effects of the square wave cycle, phase, duty cycle and the fiber coil group delay and amplifier gain bandwidth on the bias error of closed-loop FOG were analyzed by simulating and testing.
This paper presents a double-loop control of inverters. The inner-loop of this scheme is One-cycle Control and the outer-loop is the compensator designed by the K factor.
This paper presents a double-loop control of inverters. The inner-loop of this scheme is One-cycle Control and the outer-loop is the compensator designed by the K factor.