In addition, by carrying forward and developing Beethoven's cyclic form on the base of modern musical language, Bartok created leading motive technique.
In addition, by carrying forward and developing Beethoven 's cyclic form on the base of modern musical language, Bartok created leading motive technique.
The transition from traditional industrial economy to cyclic economy is not only the change of economic form but also the deep cultural and social change.
The characteristics of pretreatment and cyclic control stream are analysed:the form of cyclic embedded hardware circuit, the idea for designing the pretreatment program.
This paper deals with the closed form recursive estimation for parameters of almost periodic moving average (APMA) signal using higher order cyclic statistics.
Systematic cyclic codes form a subclass of linear block codes and have many important and frequent applications in error-control systems.
It is proved that the parity check matrix for BCH code is a representation form in the eigenvector basis. Thus the study on cyclic codes may be brought into the framework of linear system theory.
MOR zeolite was dispersed into poly(ethylene glycol)oligomer to form a stable gel. Its Electrochemical behavior was first detected by a cyclic voltammeter.
One is conducted amidst formed cyclic cation intermediate and the reaction thus carried out is known as anti- form addition.
When it is forced by the cyclic loading for example earthquake, traffic, wave etc, dynamic properties of soils under complex initial stress condition are different form the general stress state.
Pure glutaraldehyde existed in water in form of cyclic dihydropyran.
Used the hot cyclic steam injection craft mining thick oil is the thick oil development main form.
It analyzes interleaved uplink OFDM signal structure, utilizes its cyclic characteristic to form specified data matrixes, and implements the carrier frequency offset estimation.
And if there is a hydroxyl in ortho position of carboxyl, the oxygen of hydroxyl and carboxyl in ligand are bound to ti to form hexatomic cyclic compound.
And if there is a hydroxyl in ortho position of carboxyl, the oxygen of hydroxyl and carboxyl in ligand are bound to ti to form hexatomic cyclic compound.