Flow field of a circular cylinder oscillating in a uniform flow or in a wake was investigated using currently modified virtual boundary method.
Circular cylinder oscillating in water at rest is simulated to validate the model and the result compared with experimental and numerical simulation data is in good agreement.
This study aims at investigating the lock-in phenomenon, fluctuating lift and the phase shift between fluctuating lift and displacement of the oscillating cylinder.
Digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) was applied to investigate the flow field around a circular cylinder undergoing sinusoidal oscillating movement in still water.
Based on the above discussion and a great quantity calculation, the lock-in region of the flow about the oscillating cylinder was obtained.
To analyze the cause of design error on Oscillating follower Cylinder Cam Mechanism, building the mathematics model, and affording the equation to conform to actual motion rule.
The kinetic properties of a heat conducting piston oscillating in an adiabatic cylinder container are studied with numerical simulations.
The kinetic properties of a heat conducting piston oscillating in an adiabatic cylinder container are studied with numerical simulations.