Seeing this, Daedalus called frantically for him to return.
Taking the bird in is hands, Daedalus turned it over slowly, examining the wings.
Meanwhile Minos had raised a considerable fleet and set out in search of Daedalus.
Else we'll be back to using balloons like "Project Daedalus," serviced by nuclear ramjets.
Mythology ascribes a number of clever inventions to Daedalus, who is the archetypal craftsman.
It was his father Daedalus, the inventor of the wings, who made the legendary journey successfully.
If Daedalus seems like a foreign language to you, then you're in luck because we're here to hook you up with some info.
Seeing this, Daedalus and Icarus would long for freedom and wish they might sail away and never see the island of Crete again.
This (one of man's greatest achievements) may never have happened if it had not been for the mythological characters Daedalus and Icarus.
The poses were lifelike, suggesting motion, giving rise to a hyperbolic description that the statues of Daedalus could 'get up and run away.
When he had finished a smaller pair of wings, Daedalus bound them on his son. Then he warned Icarus not to wander off alone in the air but to follow him closely.
The story tells of Daedalus building mechanical wings for his son Icarus and ever since the tale was told, man has lusted after the ability to take the sky and fly.
Many ancient greek myths take their location from minoan crete more than ten centuries before plato. Daedalus the ancient scientist was supposedly the architect of the palace at knossos.
Many ancient Greek myths take their location from Minoan Crete more than ten centuries before Plato. Daedalus, the ancient scientist, was supposedly the architect of the palace at Knossos.
Many ancient greek myths take their location from minoan crete more than ten centuries before plato. daedalus , the ancient scientist, was supposedly the architect of the palace at knossos.
Many ancient greek myths take their location from minoan crete more than ten centuries before plato. daedalus , the ancient scientist, was supposedly the architect of the palace at knossos.