Her real limitations are the self-determined ones of the little Kamakura house, the daily round, the visits with her women friends.
The application of the principle of structural mechanics and ergonomics, and the practice of round-corner process, help to produce human-oriented furniture for daily use.
Conclusion: the daily head nurse quality ward round is key to improve the quality of nursing and patient satisfactory.
Your Orange gives you quick access to your mobile bill details while Orange Daily offers a news round-up for the day.
Labeling of round glass bottles and plastic bottles of foodstuff, pharmaceutical products, daily chemicals, etc.
Sometimes she's happy, sometimes she's sad. Such feelings are all part of her daily round.
It's hard to imagine that until the late nineteenth century, there was no daily, year-round ship service along Norway's western coast.
Inferences in daily life tend to be expressed in omitted forms, where some premises are not explicitly given. Accordingly, it is very important to analyze presuppositions in an all - round way.
Inferences in daily life tend to be expressed in omitted forms, where some premises are not explicitly given. Accordingly, it is very important to analyze presuppositions in an all - round way.