The regulator demanded instead that Ms Dashtaki set up a "Grade a" dairy plant, just as a large factory processing raw milk would be required to do.
If warranted, steps such as restricting the consumption of vegetables and dairy products produced in the vicinity of the power plant can also reduce exposure.
It's also possible that unidentified compounds in plant foods or dairy products may inhibit the formation of kidney stones.
One new study finds that a diet rich in plant-based foods and low-fat dairy may help decrease the risk of developing kidney stones.
Like vegetarians, "flexitarians" eat a primarily plant-based diet composed of grains, vegetables, and fruits, but they occasionally obtain protein from lean meat, fish, poultry, or dairy.
The dairy opened only 18 months ago and may seem basic, yet it has just struck a deal to sell milk to an international processing plant in Nairobi.
Only meat and dairy foods contain cholesterol whereas plant-based foods (whole grains, fruit, vegetables, legumes) have no cholesterol and are very low in saturated fat.
Official media reported Wednesday that three dairy plant managers and one milk powder dealer have been arrested in northwestern Shaanxi province.
Pepsi, an American snack-food firm, opened its first Quaker Oats manufacturing plant on the mainland in October, and has launched oat-based dairy drinks to cater to local tastes.
Around 64 tonnes of raw dairy materials have been seized from a plant in the Qinghai Province, in northwest China, according to news reports.
It possesses a small dairy pilot plant equipped with seven processing lines, imported from Denmark, including yoghourt, milk powder, condensed milk, cheese, ice cream and so on.
The carbon emission amount of animal products such as meat or dairy products is usually higher for at least several times than that of plant products in the same weight.
In order to halt the expanding desert in Inner Mongolia, efforts need to made to plant more shrubs and to replace sheep and goats with dairy cattle to help increase the income of the nation.
In order to halt the expanding desert in Inner Mongolia, efforts need to made to plant more shrubs and to replace sheep and goats with dairy cattle to help increase the income of the nation.