Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is widely read by teenagers in our city.
It was written by Daniel Defoe, an English novelist.
Why does Daniel Defoe write this part in such gre a…
"The residue of the conquered people fled" (Daniel Defoe).
He had prevailed upon the king to spare them. (Daniel Defoe).
Robinson Crusoe is a legendary person created by Daniel Defoe.
They. made piteous lamentation to us to save them(Daniel Defoe.
They. made piteous lamentation to us to save them Daniel Defoe.
Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Daniel Defoe that was first published in 1719.
"These poor wretches... Were so weak they could hardly sit to their OARS" (Daniel Defoe).
"I saw the POTS... Red-hot... And observed that they did not crack at all" (Daniel Defoe).
"Robinson Crusoe" is "fiction, the father of Europe," Daniel Defoe created an era of old age novel.
Moll Flanders (1722) is regarded as signifying the top of the literature career of Daniel Defoe (1660-1731).
"The children shall not be punished for the father's transgression" (Daniel Defoe). As it refers to the breaking of a statute.
"The principal part of our subsistence was to be had by our guns" (Daniel Defoe). Very often, however, it suggests resources barely sufficient to support life.
“大部分生活所需都靠我们的枪来获得。” (丹尼尔·狄佛)。但它也常常表示勉强足够维持生活的资源。
"The principal part of our subsistence was to be had by our guns" (Daniel Defoe). Very often, however, it suggests resources barely sufficient to support life.
“大部分生活所需都靠我们的枪来获得。” (丹尼尔·狄佛)。但它也常常表示勉强足够维持生活的资源。