On one visit, I carefully entered a dark room to find an elderly man lying in bed.
His eyes foc used slowly in the dark room.
The pupils of your eyes dilate when you enter a dark room.
So that you will know that how hard it is to seek in a enclosed dark room.
My mother used to cry in her dark room, sobs that sounded like shattering glass.
The body responds to light, and it is much easier to sleep in a completely dark room.
When movie starts, the lights would be turn off, and you are almost in a dark room.
When they had candles, Florence from her own dark room was not afraid to look again.
He likens it to being a dark room: When the light is on, your brain is working properly.
“It’s a personal hell,” he said slowly, in the dark room, “if the Lord will excuse me for saying it.”
“这是我的人间地狱,”在暗暗的房间里,他慢慢地说道, “如果上帝能原谅我所说的话。”
Then as each lighted candle was used to light others, the dark room would begin to glow with a wonderful brightness.
If you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp. You only have one match, so what do you light first?
As well as using medications to try and manage their symptoms, people often had to withdraw into a quiet, dark room to recover.
Thee candles themselves were nothing, but as one candle was used to light another in a dark room, the room would grow brighter.
She worked at relieving stress and learned what helps when she feels a migraine coming on: ice packs, a dark room and relaxation.
They spoke low, as people watching and waiting mostly do; aspeople in a dark room, watching and waiting for Lightning, always do.
"Say you are afraid of the dark, you walk in a dark room and turn on the lights and see that there is nothing terrible there," he said.
I realized now, watching her strain in this dark room to type words that perhaps no other soul will read, that I had found that fight.
I realized now, watching her strain in this dark room to type words that perhaps no other soul will read, that I had found that fight.
It may be hooded or in a dark room, but whatever the method, the handler controls the speed at which her new environment is introduced.
So I resigned myself back to my dark room, put a cloth over my head and tried to do what my mother always tells me: 'go to another place'.
When people suffer from a migraine, they often retire to a cave-like dark room. But exactly why does bright light hurt the migraine sufferer?
Beibei: No you don't "Xiaobu"(picking up the cat and admonishing it). How many times have I told you, that's Wu's dark room…don't be naughty!
But today she passed the baker's by, climbed the stairs, went into the little dark room -her room like a cupboard-and sat down on the red eiderdown.
The sensors cost $6,000 apiece. (Yes, they're cleaned and reused.) On the other hand there's no need to spend money stocking and maintaining a dark room.
If you will be presenting in a dark room (such as a large hall), then a dark background (dark blue, grey, etc.) with white or light text will work fine.
All night long I smell the lilacs in the little dark room where she is taking down her hair, the lilacs that I bought for for her as she went to meet Sylvester.
All night long I smell the lilacs in the little dark room where she is taking down her hair, the lilacs that I bought for for her as she went to meet Sylvester.