Some modules and submodules collect data from run time entities, while the others aggregate the data over the run time entities.
Unlike straightforward extract and load operations, transformation is the most complicated piece, as there is a need to understand, convert, aggregate, and calculate data.
Because their systems are not integrated, most enterprises lack the ability to effectively aggregate data, and therefore, must implement lots of costly custom code to satisfy business requirements.
Does the data aggregate correctly?
Reporting is used to aggregate relevant data about business processes and to distribute it to the people who benefit the most from the particular information.
Where an overlap of data occurs, but both have frequency greater than 1, this may indicate an issue in the ability to aggregate or consolidate the data.
EAI solutions pull data from different sources, aggregate and transform the data to be used in different contexts.
If you are using UDDI4J alone, you must write your own code to send out multiple search queries to different UDDI registries and then try to aggregate the data yourself.
One of the most attractive candidates for doing so is aggregate data operations — sorting, searching, and summarizing.
最有吸引力候选方案之一是聚合数据操作 —排序、搜索和汇总。
Out of the box, snapshots are provided which aggregate and store various data about work items, source control, and builds.
Collections: patterns concerned with aggregate data.
Reporting is used to aggregate relevant data about business processes and distribute it to the people who benefit the most from the particular information.
For example, if we only want to see the past week's bank account transitions, the child aggregate data value object would have a filter for the date.
Using this technique, you would have to write a different recursive template for each variety of input data that you wanted to aggregate.
Most often, you'll want to do this to aggregate your test data with data collected from another tool, or for archiving and reporting purposes.
The data is shown in tabular and (for aggregate runs and snapshots) graphical formats.
Data propagation: ETL process to aggregate and enhance data for data marts.
An example of aggregate data after three runs of the Fibonacci Maker is shown in Figure 6.
E.g. the data service could aggregate textual data such as disclaimer information from a data source along with Party Profile data from another source.
Historical reports: These reports use historical data pulled from the data marts to identify trends and aggregate information.
Many reports required multiple passes on the data to select, aggregate, and sort the data.
Games can be grouped an filtered by platform, genre, or year, and will even aggregate data and display statistics in bar or pie charts.
Examples of long-running services are those that aggregate data, generate documents, or archive files.
But in aggregate the data can also be mined to spot unwanted drug interactions, identify the most effective treatments and predict the onset of disease before symptoms emerge.
He never reads individual user profiles; he only sees data in the aggregate.
Tools that leverage the SDO specification can quickly generate data-driven applications that aggregate multiple data sources.
You'll find that the process-related components aggregate (assemble) other data and process-related components.
The portal can access disparate systems, aggregate content and data, and then present it to the end user with one common look-and-feel.
Egencia's unique, global consolidated reporting offering already allows travel managers to create and run customized travel reports that aggregate travel data across countries and subsidiaries.
The results reported in this article represent an aggregate of data collected in 2009 and 2010.