An astronomer might spend only a week or so each year observing at the telescope and the rest of the time measuring or analyzing the data acquired from large projects or surveys.
Encryption is not directly related to authentication and authorization but is an important aspect of protecting data, during transit or at rest, from unauthorized users.
For data, we follow best practices and want all tenant-specific data at rest to be encrypted.
This is to ensure that files created by the end user using the SLES system are ensured of secure data at rest.
In order to protect data at rest, DB2 and IDS both support column level encryption (CLE).
DLP approaches deal with data in motion, data at rest, and data in use, which are described in Table 2.
It polls the Director server using REST APIs at regular intervals, for a specified duration, and collects input power data for all AEM monitored endpoints.
A constraint unique to this ecosystem is the fact that Big Data likes to be at rest.
Thus, you have successfully stored your data at rest seamlessly at a remote location managed by AIX in an encrypted format secured by a password using a SLES encrypted File Container.
这样,通过使用SLES Encrypted File Container,我们在由aix管理的远程位置上成功地存储了静止数据,数据采用加密的格式存储,由一个密码无缝地保护。
Meet regulatory requirements by protecting data at rest and backups of critical business information through advanced encryption options available for IBM I 6.1.
通过IBM i 6.1的高级加密选项(advanced encryption options),满足了对重要商业信息的静态数据和备份数据的保护的监管需求。
AIX V6.1 provides Encrypted File System for securing data at rest, but it currently limits its usage over the NFS protocol.
This decline continues for the rest of your life, or at least until retirement, where it plateaus, probably due to reduced data among this age group.
Circular cylinder oscillating in water at rest is simulated to validate the model and the result compared with experimental and numerical simulation data is in good agreement.
In order to keep data at rest from being accessed, stolen, or altered by unauthorized people, security measures such as data encryption and hierarchical password protection are commonly used.
In order to keep data at rest from being accessed, stolen, or altered by unauthorized people, security measures such as data encryption and hierarchical password protection are commonly used.