Analyse data that is collected by CCD, put forward data-fitting by use of MATLAB and set up maths model, make discussion toward it.
And, of course, you are trying to find somehow the best. That would mean here fitting the best parabola for your data points.
There's a fitting analogy between the digital world of data and the physical environment we live in. Bad data is like trash: pollutants that infest the environment.
This is in contrast to previous RDBs, which usually stored XML data by fitting it into a specified table structure, and simply handling the data as a large character string.
It can also be a data structure of a type that is fitting to the SELECT clause.
It is pointed out that some researchers 'linear fitting of velocity data is only applied to a particular area or a particular formation while the parabola formulas have wide adaptability.
WebSphere Integration Developer selects the best-fitting Dojo widget for each field of the business object, depending on data type.
The data processing method of warship observation orientation based on polynomial segment fitting, and the sequences of observation orientation were processed in segment.
A equation was used to fit the data of SWCC, and the relation between fitting parameters and dry density was studied.
Similarly, with machine learning algorithms, a common problem is over-fitting the data and essentially memorizing the training set rather than learning a more general classification technique.
同样,对于机器学习算法,一个通常的问题是过适合(原文为over - fitting,译者注)数据,以及主要记忆训练集,而不是学习过多的一般分类技术。
The optimal fitting model is derived from the measured data, then the error curve is drawn and printed out.
A general expression relating the cost of component processing to the tolerance is obtained by fitting to existing data.
To solve the problem of ellipse - object - shape parameters detection in noise image, a new detection algorithm using nonlinear data fitting model and cross-reference iterative method is proposed.
With admittance circle fitting to experiment data, equivalent circuit parameters can be obtained.
Will curve fitting data synthesis, for further discussions and concluded.
Data fitting is frequently used in our life. The points fitting process can be achieved through interpolation methods.
Parameter estimation in dynamical systems, example : least squares fitting of rate constants from batch reactor data, parametric sensitivity analysis.
Compared with the scan line algorithm, it has a simple data structure, no need to maintain and sort lots of tables, simple implementation, and fitting for being implemented by hardware.
The data fitting program of computer is designed for the experiment for measuring Plank constant in the paper.
According to the frequency modulation function mode, this paper proposes to design the nonlinear frequency modulation (NLFM) signal using the data fitting method.
The tabulated data or surface fitting parameters of these patterns were used as characteristic vectors.
The method of processing data by fitting calculation in the experiment of measuring the wave length with prism spectrograph is dwelt upon.
The Doppler Radar data fitting method of the first flight segment trajectory in a free flight test of rocket assisted and base bleed projectiles was presented.
Polynomial curve fitting is a usually used data fitting method. When there are too many data for fitting, only just one polynomial curve function cannot acquire good fitting effect.
At first the original data points are resampled using barycentric coordinates, followed by fitting the resampled data points.
The steady state power-electric current equation by test data fitting provides the basis to design controlling project of infrared simulator.
This system includes many links, such as: data pre-processing, data fitting, sliding extrapolation, clustering analysis and synthetic evaluation.
This system includes many links, such as: data pre-processing, data fitting, sliding extrapolation, clustering analysis and synthetic evaluation.