The rest of this section takes you through the access path graph one more time from the data flow perspective so that you can gain a full understanding of the performance aspect of query execution.
The common approach for analysing a binary consists of the following stages: assembly, procedure abstraction, control flow graph generation, data flow analysis, and property verification.
After studying conditions for generating PODCM in the critical path of data flow graph (DFG), an algorithm was introduced to produce PODCM.
通过分析在数据流图(DFG)关键路径上生成PODCM的条件,给出了在DF G关键路径上生成PODCM的算法并建立了PODCM库。
This paper presents Web as the object to be assigned to registers, constructs the interference graph of Webs by data flow analysis of Web liveness.
The task data flow graph(DFG) was partitioned into several sub-modules under hardware resource constraint.
CDFG (control data flow graph) can be used in system modeling, software and hardware partition, synthesis and verification.
The switching between author and reader levels and their intercommunication with the system may be described by a data flow graph.
Because of the NP complexity of mapping problem, the thesis studies two-step method: optimal scheduling of data flow graph and optimal processor mapping.
The strong time constraints are the time constraints when the delay time of Control Data Flow Graph (CDFG)is not satisfied.
The strong time constraints are the time constraints when the delay time of Control Data Flow Graph (CDFG)is not satisfied.