But the data deluge also poses risks.
For today's scientists, that data deluge represents a conundrum.
MGI argues that the data deluge could create a new wave of productivity growth.
While developed with SKA in mind, the results are also applicable to other organisations faced with a 'data deluge'.
But just as it is machines that are generating most of the data deluge, so they can also be put to work to deal with it.
The best way to deal with these drawbacks of the data deluge is, paradoxically, to make more data available in the right way, by requiring greater transparency in several areas.
Like Microsoft's Bing, Hunch is supposed to be a "decision engine" that cuts through the deluge of web data to give answers.
But it posed a big challenge to researchers in biology, who had to deal with the ensuing deluge of data.
And welcome to the age of information confusion: for many of us, that abundance feels more like a deluge, drowning us in a torrent of data, much of whose trustworthiness we can't easily judge.
It is planning to release a deluge of data on matters ranging from school exams to the time spent in hospital by patients recovering from surgery.
Any new HIT systems, they say, must include "cognitive support" that helps doctors and patients make sense of the deluge of medical data that will come their way.
Any new HIT systems, they say, must include "cognitive support" that helps doctors and patients make sense of the deluge of medical data that will come their way.