A word of caution : Though I am emphasizing how important content is, Ialso am begging you to spare your audience a "data dump.
We parsed a known format of binary mem dump in Linux, and used structs from Python to read the binary data dump and display it in a readable format.
Ranting is a data dump that satisfies the ego of the person ranting without benefiting those who must suffer through it - and then try to solve the problems anyway, as best they can.
A "data dump," in this case, is a website that contains illegally obtained questions from live exams. the websites that sell these "pirated" exams market them as "study guides."
Tabulated views of all the objects and data types in the memory dump with filters and sorted columns.
The tool loads the dump data selected by the user to create an image for further analysis.
It USES that knowledge to create an XML description file that provides indexes into the system dump file that indicate the location of various data structures.
Whilst the HPROF and IBM system dump formats contain important additional data, this comes at the cost of additional disk space requirements.
The tool is made up of small analysis modules that look at specific dump data and determine if a particular problem (a deadlock, for instance) is present.
When a request comes from a user to dump the data, each thread takes a lock and dumps it to a central place.
Data structures are grouped together in each dump and then matched and compared across the primary and baseline dump to identify suspected data structures experiencing large amount of growth.
A hacker could perform a memory dump at the right time and then gain access to this sensitive data.
The HAT tool produces statistics for data types that have large number of instances in a single dump and can also compare two heap dumps to identify data types which have increased in number.
Even if your tool does not provide these results, you can often dump the raw data into a spreadsheet and calculate it with a formula.
When a system is halted unexpectedly, selected areas of kernel data are copied to the primary dump device.
Data overlays: the ability to override the byte values contained in a dump with user-defined values and have the UI work with the updated value.
You can't take just any data and dump it into a CDATA section and still have a valid document.
The performance trace formatter is a parsing option that formats a dump file containing performance counter data into readable text (see Listing 6).
Some requests dump data onto disks for further usage by subsequent requests.
This historical data, in combination with state data held in dumps generated by the dump engine, provides a powerful means of understanding and debugging many problem scenarios.
Some tools dump out data you need to review or interpret or graph over time to see results.
The information shown in this view can help you understand the shape and interconnection of the data structures within the heap dump.
The reason for the files is simple: When a database stores data, it doesn't just create one new file and dump the data into this file.
Lists suspected data structures, data types, and packages contributing to the growth in heap usage for comparative analysis, and to the large size of the heap for single dump analysis.
They can make the difference between a successful data warehouse and a "data garbage dump," where gigabytes of data are stored but unusable.
No matter how you've been reading your file, you can dump the rest of your data to your standard output channel using fpassthru.
无论怎样读取文件,您都可以使用fpassthru 将其余数据转储到标准输出通道。
I temporarily changed the primary dump device to /dev/sysdumpnull. Then I removed the disk from the volume group and the AIX Object Data Manager (ODM), with the rmdev command.
我临时将主转储设备更改为 /dev/sysdumpnull,然后用rmdev命令从卷组和AIXObjectDataManager (ODM)删除了这个磁盘。
Management: A data facility to generate a variety of dump files, which can be used to diagnose certain types of problems.
Listing 17 shows a very simple Perl script that does a direct dump of the data in WTMP.
The is_dumping global variable is used to stop other threads from changing the contents of the buffer once a signal has been received to dump data.
一旦接收到了转储数据的信号,将使用 is_dumping全局变量禁止其他的线程更改该缓冲区的内容。