This methodology exposes the relationships and data hierarchy to the business logic.
We will use the concept of a data hierarchy graph, constructed by means of transaction analysis, to characterize the relationship between a database partition scheme and database transactions.
With this approach, you map an entire class hierarchy into one data entity, where all the attributes of all the classes in the hierarchy are stored.
To allow better waste data management, we define a waste hierarchy for digital objects and provide insights into how to identify and categorize waste data.
We can build a basic hierarchy as shown in Figure 3. Most of these classes are simple data holders.
After you have defined the product type hierarchy, you can then define the data you wish to capture for each type in the hierarchy.
Related information is represented in the hierarchy as siblings at various levels; as a result, hierarchy tells us how data elements are related to each other.
Another benefit of having object wrappers is that they can present data stored in relational tables in a natural object hierarchy that captures the relationship between the data.
Business users often analyze data by comparing facts summarized at different levels of a hierarchy.
This article includes tips to make the formats to uniform so that you get a smooth, predictable movement of data while maintaining a consistent hierarchy.
The distinct data types must have exactly the same hierarchy and casts defined in all databases participating in the distributed queries.
Figure 6 presents the updated persistence model for mapping the entire class hierarchy into one data entity.
It features a strongly typed hierarchy of mathematical objects and commonly used programming data structures for grouping and controlling the objects.
XML expresses information using four basic components — tags, attributes, data elements, and hierarchy.
LOM defines a Base schema that defines a hierarchy of data elements for learning objects metadata.
This extended use of the execution flow notation is motivated by the need to provide a hierarchy of data representation, which is necessary for large-scale, distributed traces.
Make customer information more meaningful and useful by incorporating organizational hierarchy into customer data.
Using one data entity for an entire class hierarchy.
Queries specify how the input data should appear in the output element hierarchy.
Necessity to modify or regenerate the object hierarchy when there are any changes in the data schema.
Spring defines a coherent data access exception class hierarchy (Figure 12) that you can use as a basis for your service- and DAO-layer exceptions.
Spring定义了一致的数据访问异常类层次结构(请参见图12),您可以将其用作服务和DAO 层异常的基础。
The test data directory hierarchy is rooted in the test class package directory, in our case: org.djna.mailservice.test.
测试数据目录层次结构根植于测试类包目录中,在我们的示例中,该目录为or g . djna . mailservice . test。
Flattened hierarchy: Relational databases represent data in the form of tables.
扁平的层次结构(Flattened hierarchy):关系数据库以表的形式来表示数据。
The business terms content of the industry Models provides a structured hierarchy of business definitions describing the data entities that are relevant for that particular industry.
Since the client has the complete data model hierarchy, it is possible for the client to send subclasses in the hierarchy in a request to the Web service.
But the core of this hierarchy is the virtqueue_ops, which defines how commands and data are moved between the guest and the hypervisor.
Attributes that have nothing to do with data element interpretation (poor hierarchy construction or misuse of attributes).
This style applies to any text within a table data element, no matter where it is in the hierarchy of the page.
The advantage to this new data type is that it allows for searches within the hierarchy with a single SELECT statement, using traditional operators without recursion.
A profile contains a hierarchy of profile categories, which split up the data that you can store into contextual areas, similar to a folder structure on disk.