Select the registered ODBC DSN (data source name) from the select box.
Is the ODBC data source name (DSN) of the database in which the broker tables are created?
On the server, I can define the data source name to something else, such as jdbc/MyDS.
If you're using a driver manager, SAMPLE can be replaced by an ODBC-level data source name.
You should use the new style CMP 1.1 DTD and specify the data source name instead of the pool name.
The function takes four parameters: the data source name, username, password, and an optional cursor type.
Click on Next, and specify the same ODBC data source name and connection string as you created in the previous section.
The SAMPLEDB data source name and of type IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER should be listed if the above steps are performed correctly.
如果上面的步骤执行正确,那么结果中应该列出SAMPLED b数据源名称和IBMDB 2ODBC driver类型。
If the steps did work correctly you will see confirmation of the DB1 Data source name existing of type IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER.
如果这些步骤都正确工作,您就会看到确实存在IBMDB 2ODBCdriver类型的数据源名称db1。
On the Step 1 panel (Figure 18), enter Order DS for the Data source name and jdbc/orderds for the JNDI name, then Next.
在步骤1 的面板(图18)上,为Data source name输入OrderDS,为JNDI name 输入jdbc/orderds,然后单击 Next。
RemoteServerDSN: This parameter specifies the back-end connect string (direct linking) or data source name (driver manager).
In the name field, specify the data source name that the user will see in Cognos. (This example USES the name "ODM Cust Test".)
To help limit access to your data source, you must secure connection information such as user ID, password, and data source name.
Note that the value specified for the name attribute becomes the data source name and must match the references in the other elements.
Click on Next, and specify the same ODBC data source name as you created in the previous section (in this example, Attunity-Cust_Test).
单击Next,然后将OD BC数据源名称指定为在前面小节中创建的数据源名称(在这个例子中为attunity - Cust_Test)。
In the dialogue box that displays, enter SAMPLEDB as the Data source name and choose SAMPLEDB from the drop-down list for the Database alias.
Contains information about Federated Procedures that you defined such as the data source name, remote procedure name, remote schema name.
When a form is submitted to HelloCloudscape.jsp, it uses the data source name provided to obtain a connection from the connection pool managed by the data source.
It's the same in SQL and SPARQL, except that in SPARQL, the data source name is a URI, rather than a string denoting a physical location on your computer or network.
Gets a data source selected by name in the design host, represented by the specified component's site property and identified by the specified data source name.
The framework supplies ODBC as the data source; at run time, ODBC displays a dialog box asking for the data source name and any other required connection information.
If there are database manipulating nodes then promote the data source name property as it might not be same across various environments (development, test, production, etc).
An ODBC data source name (DSN) contains the connection information to access a database. It can be created and configured via the ODBC data source Administrator in two ways.
OD BC数据源名称(dsn)包含访问数据库的连接信息。
To push the join between the two catalogs down to the database vendor, simply have both Content Manager data source properties point to the same IBM Cognos BI data source name.
要将两个目录之间的联接向下推到数据库供应商,只需将这两个ContentManagerData Source属性指向同一个IBMCognosbi数据源名称。
It is always a good idea in the application.cfm file to set a variable for the data Source Name, because you will need to reference it every time you make a query to your database.
在application. cf m文件中为Data Source Name设置一个变量通常是个好注意,因为每次查询数据库时都需要引用它。
The data source name provided here is a Coldfusion-specific alias to the registered ODBC data source you completed using the DB2 Configuration Assistant or the data source administration tool.
这里提供的数据源名称是一个特定于Coldfusion 的已注册ODBC 数据源的别名,该数据源是使用DB2ConfigurationAssistant或数据源管理工具完成注册的。
In earlier steps, you provided the information required for the ZRM, including data source class name, database location, and access information for the database.
When you install the application, link the JNDI name of the data source in the runtime environment to this data source reference.
If the test is not successful, click the name of data source, verify Server name and Port number on the data source properties screen (see figure 12), and amend accordingly.
如果测试失败,那么单击数据源名称,检查data sourceproperties屏幕上的服务器名和端口号(见图12),并进行相应的修改。
You can apply similarity detection to XML data using various XQuery constructs to find data by a common element such as author name, source of data, and so on.