Because Ajax allows data to be retrieved asynchronously in the background, there is no need to clear and load the entire page.
If requirements for the data to be retrieved change, only the corresponding application-specific queries need to be adapted within the SAP bridge's repository.
This article describes a generic way to access data using the Open SQL interface in which the actual data to be retrieved from a single table or a number of tables is specified at run time.
It can give you the ability to store indefinitely your session data where it can be retrieved not only after a restart, but from any of a number of machines in a cluster.
To take advantage of data store, it is often advised to de-normalize your data, allowing for related data to be stored together and retrieved together.
Each data source can have its own security restrictions, which might need to be addressed in order to allow the data to be accessed and retrieved appropriately.
Data persistence can be defined as a contract, negotiated between a program and a storage device, that specifies how data are to be stored and retrieved.
After the file is retrieved, the Spring BeanFactory consumes the XML file and transforms the data into the defined POJO that will be returned to the simulator service layer.
检索完成后,SpringBeanFactory 将会使用该XML文件并将数据转换成已定义的POJO,后者将被返回给模拟器服务层。
Data groups can be found randomly, and associated data can be retrieved based on the way the data is defined to the database in a structure called a "schema."
The data can be retrieved from the DataGraph and displayed in an application, or the DataGraph can be modified and returned to the Content API service.
The string value retrieved from the item set also needs to be transformed into the correct data type.
However, when the data is retrieved from the repository, you want to reformat it to be readable, using commas.
This value means that the data retrieved will be converted to EBCDIC format.
这个值意味着我们接收的数据将被转换成EBCDIC 格式。
From time to time, a class contains a core element of data from which the rest of the class's fields can be derived or retrieved.
Because both HIPAA 270 and 271 messages are encoded using the EDI standard format, we needed a way to decode these messages so that relevant data could be retrieved from the message.
由于HIPAA 270和271消息均使用EDI标准格式进行编码,我们需要一种方式来解码这些消息,才能从消息中获取相关数据。
Although recently used steps data is cached in memory, the cache has a limited size and, in many cases, the required information will need to be retrieved from the database.
The factors include such things as the amount of data being retrieved, the amount of formatting that needs to be done to the report and keeping communications sockets active.
Being able to restrict the number of rows of data retrieved would be particularly helpful in the case of large tables that contain large amounts of data.
This is a simple example where data is retrieved, but data can also be sent to the database using similar RPC adapter service implementations.
To read the article data, the ArticleHome interface must be retrieved and its findByPrimaryKey() method must be called for each article in the shopping cart.
If the data requested is not in global cache, it must be retrieved from disk and placed into cache before the Symmetrix will respond to the request.
The same set of RAD features may be used to drag and drop these adapters onto win and Web form designers as well as to preview and modify the data retrieved by these data adapters.
What that means is something tweeted prior to a week and a half ago can never be retrieved via That's bad for users and it's definitely bad for data-mining.
If the files have been carefully organized and maintained then any piece of data that needs to be retrieved can quickly be located and removed.
Thee drone, an "ocean glider" that is used to gather oceanographic data, had returned to the surface and was waiting to be retrieved by the Bowditch.
In the layered multi-module embedded real-time system, the configuration data retrieved from back end should be transferred to all the modules as soon as possible.
A resource is associated with a globally unique identifier that allows the data structure to be efficiently stored and retrieved from a hash table.
Therefore, data streamed from one computer to another or even retrieved at different times on the same computer might be translated incorrectly.
These valid shipping companies are stored in the shippers table and do not have to be retrieved every time data is queried from the database.
These valid shipping companies are stored in the shippers table and do not have to be retrieved every time data is queried from the database.