Validating data is the most important habit you can possibly adopt when it comes to security.
Software maintenance will be simplified if parsing and validating data are implemented as part of the application's business logic.
Examples are creating objects in the logical message tree with the correct data type, and validating XML against the model.
Address major technical risks, such as resource contention risks, performance risks, and data security risks, by implementing and validating actual code.
Most problems in PHP applications relate to taking user-supplied data and doing something with it without first validating or sanitizing it.
In the As-Is process (Figure 16), after automatically validating the data, a high-speed printer prints a physical check.
This is not required if the relational ID is used when validating XML data.
Along with much new functionality, DB2 9 introduces a feature that enables storing, searching, validating, and managing XML data.
DB 29引入了支持存储、搜索、验证和管理XML数据的特性,还提供了许多新的功能。
This process is called checking, validating, or filtering your data.
Support for validating XML data based on user-supplied schemas, which allows application developers and database administrators to enforce data integrity constraints for XML data stored in DB2.
支持基于用户提供的模式验证XML数据,这使得应用程序开发人员和数据库管理员可以对DB2中存储的 XML 数据实施数据完整性约束。
New support for validating XML data based on user-supplied schemas.
Validating input data plays an important role in keeping software robust.
Composing such components results in repetitively validating data passed between components with performance inferior to monolithic application structures.
"Developing secure programs" covers terminology and other basics, and "Validating input discusses checking various data types."
When signed data is copied between registries, you can guarantee its integrity by simply validating the signature.
In 6.1, if XMLNSC is operating in validating mode, it has the XML Schema and therefore knows the XML Schema data type of the XML data.
Usage of standard JSF validation components for validating form field data.
SQLObject solves this problem by letting you define hook methods for validating and massaging incoming data.
If you follow the Rails conventions, an amazing amount of stuff, from routing requests to the correct controller and view, to validating form data and displaying error messages, just works.
You also discovered some of the Zend Framework's form-handling capabilities, validating data, and sanitizing feed items.
Validating XML (Nicholas Chase, developerWorks, August 2003): Validate files and documents to make sure that data fits integrity constraints.
验证XML(NicholasChase,developerWorks,2003 年8 月):验证文件和文档以确保数据满足完整性约束。
Data capabilities, such as SimpleXML and PDO, do not employ this approach and, therefore, must delegate this responsibility to other technologies when creating and validating data.
By doing so, even after replacing the XML schema, the schema location can be used when validating XML data.
You also discussed some of the Zend Framework's form-handling capabilities, validating data, and sanitizing feed items.
In HTML5, any attribute with a prefix of data- is essentially ignored by the validating parser, and the application is free to interpret those attributes at will.
In this situation, XML data is not validated using the schema location. Validating XML data using the schema location cust2.xsd.
We have no way of validating the data due to privacy and confidentiality concerns.
Smart metering services for reading, validating, qualifying, and aggregating meter data to support centralized meter data management systems.
Identifying and validating the user data source are critical to the setup of Profiles.
Identifying and validating the user data source are critical to the setup of Profiles.