The EJB component in this example USES a JNDI lookup to locate the database connection pool resource.
Listing 4 shows the code in the application module needed to lookup the created database connection pool.
The database connection pool starts out empty and creates connections over time according to demand.
As per the specification, two steps are needed for an application module to use a database connection pool.
In a production implementation, you would use this method to create the internals of a database connection pool.
You learned how the Geronimo console is used to initialize the database and configure a database connection pool.
A new design approach on database connection pool, self-optimized connection pool, is proposed in the paper.
Database connection pool technology was adopted to improve the efficiency and performance of database connection.
The script in Listing 6 sets the database connection pool limit to 113 for the JDBC data source used in the Trade6 application.
清单6中的脚本将Trade6应用程序中使用的JDBC数据源的数据库连接池限制设置为 113。
Based on the elicited disadvantages of present connection pool, the system structure of dynamic database connection pool was designed.
Study and realize to build more effectively connections between database and WEB application using the database connection pool technology.
The design and implementation of database connection pool are done through an instance of vehicle positioning platform, which proves the efficiency of this method.
An example use case for a singleton would be a database connection pool: you don't want your application to have multiple resource-intensive instances of a connection pool class.
The condition is caused when a database connection pool has a dependency on the Derby (org.apache.derby/derby/ or Derbynet (org.apache.derby/derbynet/ drivers.
当数据库连接池与Derby (org.apache.derby/derby/或Derbynet (org.apache.derby/derbynet/驱动程序具有依赖性时就会引发此条件。
The database connection pool works similarly to the datastore pool, but the connection pool works transparently at the lower level of actual database connections to the Library Server database.
数据库连接池的工作方式与数据存储池相似,但是连接池在更低的层次(Library Server数据库的实际数据库连接)上透明地工作。
All this depends on both the scalability of the database server and the middleware managing the connection pool.
Once the connection is successful, the next screen provides the deployment option for this database pool.
The reason for creating a data source or database pool is that it increases application performance, because opening even a single connection is a CPU-intensive operation.
In that situation, a J2EE component can use connection objects without causing overheads on the database resource manager, since a pool manager creates the connection objects up front, at startup.
Connection count: the number of actual physical connections to the database from connections in the pool.
These labels specify resources available to the new application are on the back-end servers and the size of the connection pool that can be allocated on the database server.
Each J2C connection factory and each JDBC datasource has its own pool of connections to the corresponding remote system (Enterprise Information system or database).
Since opening and closing the connection is the most expensive part of interacting with a database, you will want to pool and reuse your database connection.
From the screen for editing the connection properties of the new database pool, fill in the fields as shown in Figure 6 and described in the accompanying table.
The goal of tuning the connection pool is to ensure that each thread that needs a connection to the database has one, and that requests are not queued up waiting to access the database.
From the screen for editing the connection properties of the new DB2 XA database pool, fill in the fields as shown in Figure 8 and described in the accompanying table.
在编辑DB 2XA数据库池的连接属性的屏幕上,填写图8和下面的表格所示的字段。
The change happens on the database, so WebSphere is not aware that it changed and might not reset the transaction isolation level the next time the connection is retrieved from the pool.
You should configure a connection pool, which is a set of connections with a database, in the WebLogic server with the DB2 database.
您将在WebLogic服务器中用DB 2数据库来配置一个连接池,这是一组到数据库的连接。
This lets me track the time required to connect to the database (often this is really the time required to get a connection from a pool).
This lets me track the time required to connect to the database (often this is really the time required to get a connection from a pool).