The most interesting part of this code is how we find a location to keep the database files.
LOG_DIR: This is an optional parameter that represents the location of the database log files.
Files can be placed anywhere in the physical location of the server where the service account running the database server has access permissions.
When you are changing the location of the database or its containers using db2relocatedb, you are actually responsible for moving or copying the files (using whatever methods you choose).
This utility is used to trigger an Event from a remote location (e.g. a database server) where a set of IBM Cognos Jar files are available.
The following screen shot shows the Trigger.bat utility files that are placed in a server location where a SQL server Database is installed. these.
下面这个屏幕快照展示了放置在安装有SQLServer Database的服务器位置中的Trigger .bat实用工具文件。
This last point is important: When you're using Apache Derby as an embedded database, the default location for the database files is in the directory where your code resides.
When moving the domain, you will need to restore the database. You then need to upload your files to their new location.
All the database files will be created in this location.
The search index data for a specific mailbox database is stored in a directory in the same location as the database files.
You can use the VALIDATE command to confirm that all database files exist, are in their correct location, and are free of physical corruption.
Use OCOPY to copy open database files to another disk location. Then use a utility to copy the files to tape.
Use OCOPY to copy open database files to another disk location. Then use a utility to copy the files to tape.