Database software allows you to query files and get answers.
The page also introduces pollen database list and free pollen database software.
The application depends on the integrity of the database software to produce uniform results.
The Netezza appliance integrates database software, servers, and storage into a single system.
It sells database software which is also available in a free, widely used, open-source version.
Please refer to the DB2 UDB installation guide for instructions on how to install the database software.
Also, remember to back up all required database software libraries, parameter files, and password files.
It doesn't matter how good the database software is — if you put bad data in a database, nothing else matters.
Database security company Guardium announced expanded support for IBM database software and operating systems.
You'd start by creating a single instance of a server that contains the database software to run queries on the data.
Oracle has built a rival computing platform, surrounding its database software with business applications and hardware.
Sophisticated radio tags and database software are not much use in places where street hawkers peddle fakes with impunity.
Oracle is the world’s biggest seller of proprietary (meaning “paid for”) database software, with a market share of nearly 50%.
A schema is a description of the entire database structure that is used by the database software to maintain the database.
The synchronous method involves tight integration of the database software with specialized HA software to produce a HA cluster.
同步方法要求数据库软件与专门化的HA 软件紧密集成,以产生一个 HA集群。
When the servers become available, they are provisioned with an operating system, database software, middleware, and the application.
Jay and his mentor are trying to integrate the existing data mining algorithm to the IBM spatial database software development kit.
As a result, you know that this demo application will work on a computer on which the full Apache Derby database software is not installed.
Version 11.70 of Informix database software provides multiple features to ensure uninterrupted availability of a high availability cluster.
Db2auth enables a smoother migration from other database software, such as MySQL, that store authentication information within the database.
Its persistence has eventually paid off in some new markets, such as SQL database software and server software, where it started from behind.
To see these studies in their entirety, and to reveal the true identities of the database software that ITG compared to Informix, click here.
First, however, you must have a working installation of the Apache Derby database software, as discussed in the first article in this series.
This used to just mean "hearty, " "rugged, " or "vigorous" – not exactly words you'd think to apply to, say, a database software suite, right?
If you are running a DB2 partitioned database system on multiple physical nodes, you must install the database software on each database host in identical paths.
如果在多个物理节点上运行DB 2分区数据库系统,那么必须在每个数据库主机上的相同路径中安装数据库软件。
After you have the Derby database software installed, you can use the sample code available with this article to connect to a Derby database, as shown in Listing 1.
This article explains how to set up multiple DB2 systems on one Linux or UNIX machine and have SAP applications running with different database software installations.
The driver system, the safety precautions and functional properties of database software of electric shelves controlled by computer network are studied in this paper.
The driver system, the safety precautions and functional properties of database software of electric shelves controlled by computer network are studied in this paper.