It entails both technology and facilities such as hardware, operating system, database management systems, networking, multimedia, database management systems and multimedia.
A prototype of a simple inventory management application demonstrated the HTML5 technology with a locally deployed application and a local database.
In addition, this technology helps the maintenance and management of the system spatial database, and keeps the system space attribute data current.
Along with the increasing of information quantity and complexity, the management system that based on the database technology couldn't satisfy people.
With quick development of database technology and wide application of database management system, the data that people accumulated are getting more and more.
The method can monitor dynamically data of backend corporate database and manage them , relying on the technology of active rule, then structures an active database management system.
In this dissertation, we conduct research and probing on database encryption technology and its application according to some Financial Management System.
Along with increased information quantity and complexity, a management system based on the database technology couldn't satisfy society requirements.
Multi-Agent System(MAS) technology was applied to realize integration of regional manufacturing resources and to construct the corresponding Database Management System(DBMS).
Query optimization is not only an important technology used in the design and realization of database management system, but also an important factor that affects the performance of database system.
Based on the mature database technology, the embedded database system implements the storage, operation and management of data in accordance with the special features of embedded devices.
Storeroom management information system is analyzed, modelled and object mapping of database is realized by using object oriented technology.
Meanwhile, it provides ways that realize DB2-based multimedia database system of census register management, and shows key technology of its realization.
And this system is established on the ASP and database technology, which is helpful to the resources sharing and unified management of lab devices.
In order to solve the problems existing in the scientific research outlay management and to improve the working efficiency, this system was designed with the help of the advanced database technology.
Based on database technology, many kinds of operating and driving information obtained from the system running are stored, and they are used in the management and valuation of driving training.
Objective Making use of serial transmission technology and database technology, to connect the laboratory equipment with LIS, thus to realize automated data collection and data management.
And ADO database access technology and SQL server DBMS are also used to achieve data management and disposal.
As combination of modern times management science and computer science, development of CRM is derived by network technology, database technology and communications technology.
According to CAPP, the theory of database, data model, database design method have been researched, management technology of database and design mode of the open style database have been explored.
This thesis illustrates the key techniques and realizing technology on the process of system development and Tree of Assembly, database design, drawing browsing, file transfer, popedom management etc.
Using a combination of the J2EE and database technology, this paper Outlines the structure, database structure, and key techniques of the Media Resources Management System.
Database on EDD study was built using RS, GIS and database management technology.
The thesis also analyses the design plan of system database, including its security, transaction management and ADO data access technology.
Discusses that the management system of the smart consumption is a practical application of the computer technology in the field oft he network and the database.
SOTER Project utilizes information technology to develop a world soil and terrain database, containing digitized map units and attribute data in a rational database management system.
Database management is the key problem in the establishing of expert system, and the knowledge acquisition process is a crucial stage in the technology of expert system.
Geography Mark Language (GML) is used to describe the spatial data in this paper. Then it studies on the organization, storage and management of GML data by integrating XML database technology.
METHODS: The material management system in hospital preparation room was set up by means of programming languages and database technology.
METHODS: The material management system in hospital preparation room was set up by means of programming languages and database technology.