When output is created from multiple files or the standard input stream, the current date and time are used instead of the filename and creation date.
Similarly, an HSSFDataFormat is created per workbook but represents only numeric formatting, like date and time formats.
You can infer that new relationships have been created with the newly created entities Date and Time.
This is a timestamp that is set by the Lotus script code to the current date and time whenever the conditions above apply and an automatic CSLD retrieval job is created.
For the -log-file option, a unique log file name is created, using conversion symbols and the date command (the file name includes program name, process ID, date, and time).
对于-log - file选项,只能创建一个日志文件名称,利用转换符号和日期命令(这个文件名称包括程序名称,过程ID,日期,以及时间)。
Once tasks are created you can check the task and change the due date, the repeat of the task, a time estimate, tags, location of the task, or a URL.
Created Date: Date and time when the work item was created, as recorded by the server clock.
Created Date: Date and time when the work item was created, as recorded by the server clock.