Clicking the button displays a calendar in a drop down menu, and selecting a date using the mouse enters the corresponding string into the text input field.
The "single document" approach creates one document and displays the appointment across the calendar date range (see Figure 1).
When you place your cursor in the date input field, a calendar appears, allowing you to select a date for the activity.
When the initial appointment is saved, all recurring event dates are calculated and a separate document is generated for each calendar date.
Several new widget types are available, including a 3D stack, search box, a date/time picker, number picker, calendar, popup menu, and others.
Set a date in the future — a week or two, or even a month — and make that your Start Date. Mark it on the calendar.
For example, you can create one appointment that generates a separate document for each calendar date (see Figure 2).
The top of the page features a calendar, where you can pick a date, and the second row then features thumbnails from the four preceding and following days.
After the form is displayed, the start date is populated with the date selected on the calendar.
The input page allows you to select a date using the Calendar component.
Because manual input is disabled for the Calendar component, you can't even enter an invalid date.
Calendar portlet to pick the date of departure and arrival.
Showed you how to search for calendar entries by date and keyword.
If you receive an email with event time and date information, you can easily add this event to your calendar by clicking "add to calendar."
Finally, it renders a Tomahawk calendar component if it is a date (see "About Tomahawk").
This class supports changing the date by different settings via constants in the Calendar class; for example, Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH to change the date one week at a time.
该类支持通过将 Calendar类中的常数设置为不同的值来更改日期;例如, Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH每次将日期更改一周。
If not, by all means continue to use Calendar to do all of your date calculations.
As at date measures are a specialised variant of a normal measure which are calculated for a given date and can be used whenever a measure value is required for a particular date in the calendar only.
The calendar widget provides a graphic calendar that enables a user to select a date instead of manually entering it.
The dialog option — calendar presents a calendar to allow the user to choose a specific date.
Put that date in your calendar or mark it on your to-do list as the deadline for your current project.
The following routine is only executed if the user double-clicks a calendar date.
The Spring festival is the first day of the first lunar month each year. However, the Spring festival does not have a fixed date on the Gregorian calendar.
The Tab and arrow keys alter the calendar and choose a date.
To date, it has functioned as a complete set of weather calendar to guide the agricultural production in China.
Thus, when you create new certificates as we recommend, ensure that you mark the expiration date on a calendar.
The example included allows dates to be selected from a calendar date selector input control.
The parameter supported currently is a calendar date.
It provides cultural support such as multi-calendar, date/time format and complex text layout for bi-directional (BIDI), Indic, and Thai languages.
It provides cultural support such as multi-calendar, date/time format and complex text layout for bi-directional (BIDI), Indic, and Thai languages.