The data listed in the form is only for reference. Please forgive the non-informing if the date changed.
Examples of a good subject line include "Meeting date changed, " "Quick question about your presentation, " or "Suggestions for the proposal. "
Exampless of a good subject line include "Meeting date changed, " "Quick question about yourpresentation, " or "Suggestions for the proposal. "
好的主题包括: “会议改期”“关于你简报的一些小问题”或“计划书建议”。
Leadership of the planning corporation has changed hands nearly as many times as the opening date has been pushed back.
They are arranged in order of date, so you can see how ideas about art have changed over time.
For pages that do things like render the date and time in a footer, each page will be different, even if the content hasn't actually changed.
If a lead wasn’t contacted within 48 hours, it was given to another admissions rep; however, the date the lead contacted the school was not changed when the lead was transferred.
Newton st Loe's oldest buildings date from the 15th century, and it has changed little in recent years.
The value of the unadjusted date (a child node) is changed to a new date (May 5, 2011).
未调整日期(一个子节点)的值被更改为一个新日期(2011 年5 月 5 日)。
Some parts of the equipment can be considered as out-of-date but won't be changed in the near future due to their high reliability.
The implementation sets the password expiration date to 90 days from the time that the password is initially created or changed.
To do this, use the find utility to locate and review all files you've accessed or changed during a certain time period — today, yesterday, or at any date or segment of time in the past.
TIP: If you already committed to a date and then changed your mind, call them at the last possible moment and claim you’re “kind of not feeling great” or “got busy.”
The date and time in the example is "now," but can be changed to any date and time desired.
The client also reads the Last-Modified response header and sends back the date value in an If-Modified-Since header to ask the server if the resource has changed.
客户端还读取Last - Modified响应Header,并在if - Modified - Since Header中发回日期值,以向服务器询问资源是否已更改。
Then, if you want to keep your works and thoughts up to date forever, how can they never be changed?
While it wasn't clear what changed after that date, the timing suggests it could coincide with Fonterra's disco ery of the problem.
However, the API for Eclipse has not changed greatly, and the errata section on the book's Web site will bring you up to date.
The weather is going to be dodgy, maybe just because we changed the date of the race.
The symptoms came on so quickly that most parents could tell you the exact date that their children's personalities changed.
With my recent success and happiness, I wanted to share with you guys how my life was before LCS, and how much it has changed to this date.
The changed effective date is the effective date loaded on the row at the time the record is saved.
The last thing an introvert wants to hear is that more people are coming, the venue has moved or the date has changed.
I thought you wouldn't object if we changed the date.
Take a few quiet minutes, relax in a comfortable place, close your eyes, and imagine that the date has changed.
Just as fascinating, this composite image shows how little has changed around the Palace of Westminster (date unknown).
While it wasn't clear what changed after that date, the timing suggests it could coincide with Fonterra's discovery of the problem.
In order to enable query on ciphertext, date and numeric typed data must be transformed according some rules, and the grouping cipher arithmetic must be changed a little.
In order to enable query on ciphertext, date and numeric typed data must be transformed according some rules, and the grouping cipher arithmetic must be changed a little.