He could never ever give any responses to his captor other than name, rank, serial number and date of birth.
You don't need to know the name, the date of birth, the social security number.
Also please advise of any family that you may have in Australia and your date of birth.
Increases the personnel serial Numbers, the name, the, the date of birth and so on several parts.
The driver’s date of birth and signature are embossed by laser engraving to make them sensitive to touch.
The driver's date of birth and signature are embossed by laser engraving to make them sensitive to touch.
Finally try entering a date of birth that would imply the person registering was less than 18 years of age.
In other words, your destiny is not defined by your date of birth but rather your own personal choices.
With a proper medical certificate a pregnant worker may leave 30 days before the projected date of birth.
The registration process for users involves entering your Social Security number, date of birth and other data.
This data object has three properties that are all PHP strings: name, dob (date of birth) and pob (place of birth).
Specifically, the application will have to tell users why it wants very sensitive information, such as date of birth.
Please complete the rest items like nationality, gender, date of birth, destination, address in China and so on.
As another example, the date of birth may be defaulted to an actual legitimate date such as January 1 of the current year.
But if a column of type date is only used to store the date of birth of employees, you can map it to the DB2 date type.
但是,如果类型为DATE的一个列只用于存储雇员的生日,那么就可以将它映射为DB 2 date类型。
In the UK date of birth is optional and marital status no longer required. Other countries will have different requirements
Such a component could have 3 specific attributes (for first name, last name, and date of birth) and 3 input fields, laid out in a grid.
A 2006 biography from the local sports bureau where He was registered gave her date of birth as January 1, 1994, which would make her 14.
If you want to choose a date while filling a form, such as date of birth, Dojo USES the DateTextBox. To explore the DateTextBox scenario.
Enter the required information. This includes a billing address, the last four digits of your Social Security number and your date of birth.
On the back of one photo in each set, write the name in pinyin and date of birth (day/month/year) of the person appearing in the photo.
Scores are recorded on the Test Report Form along with details of the candidate's nationality, first language, date of birth and id number.
Scores are recorded on the Test Report Form along with details of the candidate's nationality, first language, date of birth and id number.