You also provide an identifier, which is just an abbreviation of the full URI of the issue for friendly display, the creator of the issue, date submitted, brief title, and verbose description.
The jobs may be submitted as available immediately, at a scheduled time and date, or on a repeating basis.
The ID of the delivery carrier is determined if the order was delivered as well as the date when the order was submitted.
The submit_date attribute represents the date that the article was submitted to Digg.
Construct this query iteratively, depending on the search parameters submitted by the user, and restrict it to only those approved listings that are valid for display on the current date.
A copy ofthis register shall be submitted to FIFA after every examination date; anyamendment, such as the withdrawal or return of a licence, shall also becommunicated to FIFA immediately.
A database view of these search forms is provided that lists the author of the query, the date and time the query was submitted and the keywords used in the query.
To date, well over 23,000 viruses and other specimens have been submitted to WHO network laboratories for analysis.
American gossip website, which claims to have seen the handwritten affidavit submitted by Miss Yeater, reported that a court date had been set for December 15.
If there is any cash entitlement to be distributed after submitted the Close Account Notice, it will be issued in cheque one month after the distribution date.
The first estimate shall be submitted within 42 days after the Commencement Date.
The tribunal shall attempt to give a written decision within 30 (thirty) days after completion of the hearing or, if no hearing is held, 30 (thirty) days after the date both replies are submitted.
The priority date is the date when the petition was filed at a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) office or submitted to an Embassy or Consulate abroad.
For applications submitted by post, the postmark date on the envelope will be regarded as the date of application.
For applications submitted by post, please state on the envelope "application for the post of Motor Driver". The post mark date on the envelope will be regarded as the date of application.
If the due date is set for a Friday, papers may be submitted by attachment, on the condition that you keep a backup paper copy of the paper in case there is difficulty reading the attachment.
If the application is submitted by post, the postmark date on the envelope will be regarded as the date of the application.
Papers submitted after the due date will be considered late and receive a grade reduction.
Your case write-up should be submitted at the start of class on the date that case will be discussed.
Completed application forms together with resumes setting out relevant working experience must be submitted on or before the closing date to the address below.
It is expected that responses to assignments will be submitted on the due date and time noted on the assignment. The usual policy for late assignments is that a letter grade is lost per day late.
All assignments should be submitted no later than the due date posted on the course schedule.
To date, no documentation regarding the sale has been submitted to the League by the administrators.
Article 17: the examination and approval authority shall decide whether to grant approval or not within 30 days of the date on which all the specified documents to be submitted are received.
All claims for shortage shall be submitted in writing to Seller within thirty (30) days from date material is received by Buyer, otherwise such claims shall be waived.
All claims for shortage shall be submitted in writing to Seller within thirty (30) days from date material is received by Buyer, otherwise such claims shall be waived.