But if a column of type date is only used to store the date of birth of employees, you can map it to the DB2 date type.
但是,如果类型为DATE的一个列只用于存储雇员的生日,那么就可以将它映射为DB 2 date类型。
Note: If you don't use a schema or XQuery processor that knows that the date attribute is a date type, you can get errors with this statement.
To ease the entry of dates, the date-based fields are associated with the XML Schema date type, and the processor provides a date-picker for date entry.
On the same sheet of the paper, write or type your name, address, telephone number, and birth date.
From here, you can browse through all of the documents that have been released, organized by type, category, date, number of casualties, and many other properties.
If you define a complex type describing a person, there will be many elements in the type, for the name, date of birth, address, occupation, and so on.
Advanced search : to search for a more specific expression in combination with topics keywords, date, type and/or source of document, country and language to retrieve the most relevant results.
高级搜索: 搜索和内容关键词、日期、类型和/或文件来源、国家和语言结合在一起的更具体的信息,得出最相近的结果。
To add an appointment to the existing file, you must first get the information from the user about the date, time and the appointment type that they want to add.
You can sort the rows within a table of data according to the data type, allowing you to order by figures - alphabetically and by date.
An access log record contains a lot of detail about the request, including the request type, the resource requested, and the time and date the request was processed.
SHIPPED item information (SHIPPEDORDER) : This table contains shipping ID, Customer ID, type of box ordered, number ordered, and date ordered.
This metadata allows an RSS reader to understand such things as the type of content (text versus multimedia), the date of publication, and so forth.
This instance contains four elements used to store the leave application details: name, leave type, start date, and end date.
If you see an incident of animal cruelty, note the date, time, location, type and number of animals involved.
You must define the list of elements and attributes that you want to include in the data instance -- in this case, the name, leave type, start date, and end date.
必须定义希望包含在数据实例中的元素和属性 —— 在这个示例中,是姓名、休假类型、开始日期和结束日期。
For each server, the list displays the status, member servers, type, parent (if applicable), IDS version, and the date and time that the server was last monitored.
For your application, you'll use it to re-specify what the date, time and type are for the appointment.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 to create the elements for name, leave type, start date, and end date.
For example, if an XML document contains 10 entirely different types of nodes and each type includes a date element as a descendant, then the date element is a non-unique element name.
Two components may have the concept of a date, but unless the dates are identically defined (namespace, name, type), they cannot be connected.
Handling temporal information has more aspects than choosing a data type (date, time, or timestamp) and using locale-relevant formatting.
Accessors and operations in MBeans can use any primitive type in their signatures, as well as String, Date, and other standard library classes.
On the operation, set an input called date of type date and an output called day of type int. The final result should look like Figure 2.
Representational definitions focus on how each term is represented in an IT system such as an integer, string or date format (see data type).
表示定义(Representational definition)主要定义在IT系统中如何表示每个术语,比如整数、字符串或日期格式(参考数据类型)。
XMLCAST: a new SQL function that converts an XML node's value into a relational data type, such as VARCHAR, INTEGER, DATE, and so on.
Type the date two to six lines down from the letterhead or return address. Three lines below is the standard.
在信头或者回复地址下面2 ~6行输入日期,3行为标准。
DurationLabel: Identifies the duration that is associated with the Constant value specified if the partitioning key column has been assigned a date, time, or time stamp data type.
DurationLabel:如果分区键列的数据类型是日期、时间或时间戳,这个参数指定与Constan t值相关的时间单位。
When you select this option, a database column defined with a Date data type is defined in the type tree as a character text string.
In the model we've created, all attributes of the LoanApplicationType are of type Text, but you can use any primitive type, such as Integer or Date.
For example, you can now change a column defined with a data type of INTEGER to have a data type of VARCHAR, or you can change a data type of TIMESTAMP to DATE.