It's important to note that if invoked without any criteria, the query in listing 6 will return all approved and valid listings, ordered by date.
Construct this query iteratively, depending on the search parameters submitted by the user, and restrict it to only those approved listings that are valid for display on the current date.
In this case, a valid date would be something like 03-03-2009, meaning March 3, 2009.
Process Server USES the Valid From date to decide which deployed versions of the process template to use when creating a new process instance.
ProcessServer使用Valid From日期来确定在创建新的流程实例时使用流程模板的哪个已部署版本。
Suppose we created and deployed a process template called "Process" with the Valid From date of Apr 01, 2006 19:22:39.
假设我们创建并部署了一个名为“Process”的流程模板,其ValidFrom日期是 Apr01, 2006 19:22:39。
The evaluation license is valid for 30 days from the installation date and allows up to 5 concurrent virtual users.
Valid From Date: Start date of the CA certificate's validity.
Valid FromDate:CA证书有效期的开始日期。
Create a new version of the process with the Valid From date of Apr 08, 2006 01:23:16.
创建一个新的流程版本,其ValidFrom日期为Apr 08, 2006 01:23:16。
As explained earlier (listing 6), if you invoke the SearchAction without any criteria produces a result set that contains all approved and valid listings, ordered by date.
This credit remains valid/force/good for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the date of shipment.
Health certificates are valid for six months from the date of issuance.
A Derattting Certificate issued on that date is valid for a maximum of six months, or until 14 December 2007.
Valid From date: Start date of certificate's validity.
Valid FromDate:证书有效期的开始日期。
Valid To date: End date of certificate's validity.
Valid ToDate:证书有效期的结束日期。
Valid To date: End date of the ca certificate's validity.
Valid ToDate:ca证书有效期的结束日期。
A table that includes temporal data has a pair of date-time columns that indicate the period (the time interval) when the row is valid.
For example, by specifying a valid from-date, the process Server will be able to decide, which of all the deployed versions of a process template to use when creating a given process instance.
Countries require assistance with the adaptation process to ensure that guidelines are valid and up to date and accurately reflect WHO global clinical care recommendations for patients with HIV.
The valid-from date is a BPEL extension, standard BPEL does not provide it.
起始有效日期是一个BPEL扩展,标准 BPEL并没有提供它。
The contract shall be valid for 10 years from the effective date of the contract, on the expiry of the validity term of contract, the contract shall automatically become null and void.
Keep in mind that every word I said to you is valid until the last date of my life.
It is sobering to think that as patents are valid for 20 years, that had the web been patented and based on this first release date, then it would have only become freely available for use today.
The consumption period (forward or backward) is specified in workdays and is valid from the current date.
Users must ascertain that the Reference Standards they are using are a"Current lot" or a "Previous lot" within the valid use date.
Specify 600 for Amount of time before the issue date that an assertion is considered valid.
指定600为amountoftimebeforetheissuedatethatanassertionisconsidered valid。
Specify 600 for Amount of time before the issue date that an assertion is considered valid.
指定600为amountoftimebeforetheissuedatethatanassertionisconsidered valid。