Stop dawdling and do something useful!
I'll starving and you're still dawdling.
I dressed, dawdling, and hoped she would say something.
Where were they; dawdling in the duty-free at Bangkok airport?
If you quit dawdling and just turn to, the cleaning will be done in a day.
After dawdling for a few months, the owners jumped to action, the hard way.
But it's disconcerting to see so much dawdling in an industry with so much incentive to act.
My "5-NO" principles: no make up, no smoking, no drinking, no fighting, no dawdling in pub.
Then, as we started exploring, we realised this particular gateway is one where dawdling is very much in order.
Lin loathes him for dawdling around, and he scorns her for trying too hard to appear perfect while neglecting her true desires.
Xiao has been estranged from his roommate and former buddy because he was short-tempered with him for dawdling before leaving for classes.
o HOW TO KEEP COOL WHEN THINGS ARE HEATING UP The little one is dawdling, the twins are fighting, you're running late, the toilet is overflowing.
事件升温时如何保持冷静。 最小的孩子做事拖拖拉拉,双胞胎们又在打架,你过来时已经晚了,厕所里的水也渗出来了。
I was dawdling about the stage entrance, hoping vaguely for a casual brush with one of the butterflies, when an open truck pulls up to the sidewalk.
The 17 countries and four European institutions now entangled in the euro zone crisis will continue trying to muddle through, but their dawdling can't be sustained.
The reason your household is hectic in the morning is simple: There are timetables to be followed like getting to school and work on time and children are notorious for their dawdling.
大清早一阵忙活的原因很简单:你要遵守时刻表,比如将孩子准时送到学校,自己要准时上班。 但是孩子就爱磨磨蹭蹭。
Tim had been doing his typical nine-year-old’s dawdling, stopping occasionally to tie his sneaker strings or look in the ditch water for tadpoles or throw rocks at the river that ran below the road.
Tim had been doing his typical nine-year-old’s dawdling, stopping occasionally to tie his sneaker strings or look in the ditch water for tadpoles or throw rocks at the river that ran below the road.