He set off for a nineteen-day moose hunt in Nova Scotia.
A day after the levees broke, the generators in the hospital failed, knocking out ventilators, transfusion machines and fresh water supplies. Nineteen patients died.
In sixteen nineteen an English ship arrived with directions for the crew to observe their arrival date as a yearly day of Thanksgiving to God.
Seventy-five thousand people attended that concert on Easter Sunday, April ninth, nineteen thirty-nine. Years later, Anderson described how she felt on that day
That organization, based in the United States, held the first World Mental Health Day in nineteen ninety-two.
World Health Day marks the establishment of the World Health Organization on April seventh, nineteen forty-eight.
The diaries of the George Orwell, author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, were published last year, exactly 70 years to the day since the novelist wrote it.
Nineteen years ago, almost to the day, we lost three astronauts in a terrible accident on the ground.
He slept a scant five hours, and only one with a constitution of iron could have held himself down, as Martin did, day after day, to nineteen consecutive hours of toil.
他只睡短短的五个小时。只有他那种结实得像钢铁一样的人才能有他那种耐力。 他每天连续苦读十九个小时,天天如此。
In the early nineteen century, craftsman struggled to produce no more than four to five "feathery" balls a day.
The American space agency NASA launched the Hubble space Telescope in nineteen ninety. Reaching that day took years of work.
The American space agency NASA launched the Hubble space Telescope in nineteen ninety. Reaching that day took years of work.