Another day, the woman saw his son stop and pick up a piece of orange peel, which he threw into the dustbin.
Frustrated after hundreds of hours of observation, they one day noticed a woman do with a paper towel what people do all the time: wipe something up and throw it away.
The boss of the Korean woman asked her if she had got a plate that day.
One day, as two little boys were walking along the road, they passed a woman carrying a large basket of apples.
One day, two boys were walking along the road to school when they saw an old woman carrying a large basket of pears.
The next day she goes to the library because she decides she's really got to find out; something about what people think of women; and so, what is a woman?
Researchers carried out the tests on day six of each woman's menstrual cycle for six cycles or until the woman fell pregnant.
The emotions of that day had turned the nun into a woman once more. She had wept, and she was trembling.
The average woman still spends a lot of time every day beating herself up about her weight and looks.
One day, for no particular reason, one of the men stabs an innocent woman to death in the street.
The average non-pregnant woman loses about 100 strands a day, but while you are pregnant you retain more of those precious hairs.
The charity also recommends at least 30 minutes of exercise a day and, if alcohol is drunk at all, it be limited to two drinks a day for a man and one for a woman.
A young woman lies down on the grave of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Noah Pier on Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery May 31, 2010 in Arlington, Virginia.
Today, a man might ask out a different woman every day, and not in ten years exhaust the pool of young women who might say yes.
Frances Perkins the first woman cabinet member who advocated the 8 hour day, stricter factory safety laws, and laws for the protection of women and children in the labor force.
One day at the local library, I was crouched, looking for a book, and I became aware of a woman looming over me.
One day-i think it was the day after the attacks, actually-i went into a bodega to buy something, and there was an elderly woman ahead of me.
Among the first interviews to be performed was mine, wherein one man recounts to another the story of the day he arrived at an airport, on business, to find a near-hysterical woman in the gate area.
A furious woman stood up at the end of the lecture and asked: "and Lord Russell, what will you say when you stand in front of the throne of God on judgment day?"
讲座快要结束的时候,一位愤怒的女士忽然站起来,并且质问罗素:“那么罗素勋爵,在大审判日那天,当你站在上帝的宝座之前的时候,你打算说些什么呢? !”
The next day, Israel saw its first suicide attack for more than a year: at a mall in Dimona, a Palestinian put an abrupt end to his own life, and that of an elderly Israeli woman.
This was the question posed to me the other day by a man who had been casually dating a woman he was rather fond of.
This speech difference becomes apparent at the end of the day when a man and a woman sit down together for dinner.
Instead, ask her interesting questions that she won’t hear every day, tease her whenever she answers wrong ( according to your standards ) and try to see if she fits your mold of the ideal woman.
Instead, ask her interesting questions that she won't hear every day, tease her whenever she answers wrong ( according to your standards ) and try to see if she fits your mold of the ideal woman.
In one of the designs of Hallmark's latest Happy Mother's Day cards, it describes, "mother" is a woman who made the world a warm and happy place.
Since both the man and the woman were created on the sixth day, the creation of the man preceded the creation of the woman by only hours.
There she was pitted against the greatest woman runner of the day, a German girl named Jutta Heine. Nobody had ever beaten Jutta.
Champagne, as any woman will tell you, is the most romantic of Valentine's Day wines.
Pregnant women are among the groups most severely affected; already, every minute of every day, a woman dies in childbirth or pregnancy.
Pregnant women are among the groups most severely affected; already, every minute of every day, a woman dies in childbirth or pregnancy.