The names of days and months, including abbreviations.
All years must use four digits, and all days and months must use two.
The days and months go by, the years do not wait upon our bidding.
Through the stone water, its power comes from days and months multiplying.
From the far corners of the world, goods have been travelling for days and months.
And then there is a little increase and the formation of full days and months multiplying.
In the days and months ahead, our collective resolve must hold across all the challenges I have outlined.
The yen, which has been strengthening in recent days and months, fell initially against the dollar and euro.
So let us pray together on this February morning, but let us also work together in all the days and months ahead.
In the days and months to come, financial markets worldwide will be watching the movements of the renminbi exchange rate closely.
May the favour of the Lord cause you to rise above your problems and may you continuously trust in Him in the days and months to come.
So what we are seeing emerging now in Libya, despite the years of repression and the trauma of recent days and months, is immensely impressive.
Because of the short time use of oil on the belt after the operation, after due to excessive dust accumulation, final days and months multiplying belt damage.
They have been given protection with their mother for the duration of the trial in the nearby psychiatric clinic where they were treated in the days and months after they were freed.
This did not happen instantly, of course, but as the days and months went by and news of reactions to the award came over the airwaves, I began to understand the significance of the Nobel Prize.
We should live each day with gentleness, vigor, and keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come.
We should live each day with gentleness, vigor and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panomp3a of more days and months and years to come.
We should live each daywith a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretchesbefore us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come.
People can revisit and refocus an image, days, months, even years later.
The weather is usually warm and sunny during these months so remember to bring some sun protection, especially on hot days.
Many common words, such as the names for the days of the week and the months of the year, also come from mythology.
Unlike the day traders, they tended to hold on to stocks for days and weeks, sometimes even months.
How would you cope with working 50 hours a week by yourself in a small room at home, for days, months and years on end?
Give them a Chinese lunar calendar and they will know what the weather will be like days or even months later.
The time required to implement such a solution should be measured in weeks and days, not months.
Now take the items that are left and calculate how many days, months, or years of work they represent.
With weather forecasts suggesting that the cloud might not budge for five days and talk of months of disruption, desperate travellers began trying to get home by any means possible.
Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months and ten days. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord.
Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months and ten days. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord.