Using character or binary large object (CLOB or BLOB) columns of tables to store the XML data intact in a relational database management system (DBMS).
The data modeler can then use this LDM file as input to a transformation to DBM and ultimately to DDL to deploy to the database management system (DBMS).
数据建模师然后可以使用这个LDM文件作为输入,执行一个从 LDM到DBM最终到DDL 的转换,以便将其部署到数据库管理系统(DBMS)。
First, the Netezza database management system (DBMS), a highly optimized engine for the massively parallel Netezza environment, does not use indexes.
In this article, you learned about the MongoDB database management system and why it is one of the fastest-growing options in the popular NoSQL section of the DBMS market.
The external data source could be another DBMS (database management system) like Oracle or SQL Server, or just an Excel sheet.
外部数据源可以是另一个DBMS(数据库管理系统),比如Oracle或SQLServer,也可以仅仅是Excel 文件。
Applications can embed the database Management System (DBMS) engine in the application process, eliminating the need to manage a separate database process or service.
应用程序可以将数据库管理系统(Database Management System,DBMS)引擎嵌入应用程序进程中,从而无需管理单独的数据库进程或服务。
Spatio-temporal database management system is a kind of DBMS that can deal with both spatial and temporal data.
The openness, security, reliability and distributing process of CIMS have been analyzed to meet the requirement of database management System (DBMS) in CIMS.
A database management system (DBMS) is a comprehensive software tools.
The database management system (DBMS) enforces certain rules to ensure that objects have unique names.
Spatio-temporal database management system (STDBMS) is a kind of DBMS that can deal with both spatial and temporal data.
The software is refers is responsible for the database access, the maintenance and the management software system, usually is called database management system (DBMS).
It is well known that object-oriented DBMS (database management system) can provide a rich expressive power for the query languages to meet various needs of some high-level database applications.
Typically, a user runs ODBC Administrator to create a data source if the associated database management system (DBMS) supports this operation.
The software required to perform the task of database management is called a Database Management System (DBMS).
Most companies find themselves in this situation and deal with the problem by consolidating the information in a database management system (DBMS).
Multi-Agent System(MAS) technology was applied to realize integration of regional manufacturing resources and to construct the corresponding Database Management System(DBMS).
Multi-Agent System(MAS) technology was applied to realize integration of regional manufacturing resources and to construct the corresponding Database Management System(DBMS).