But if death means permanent cessation of P-functioning, then it turns out the dead weren't really dead after all.
So it turns out that during that period in which they were dead, they were only temporarily not P-functioning.
If we take this simple straightforward view and say you're dead when you're not P-functioning anymore, then you were dead, on and off and on and off, last night.
In Genesis 1. He commands proper care of the dead, and he also does that in the P-source.
After trying to resuscitate her multiple times, doctors declared her dead at 10:37 p. m.
Effects of source box, vacuum shell, dead layer and P-type wick in the calculation are considered in detail.
If there are three possibilities — dead, alive, or suspended — to be dead, we could still say you've got to be broken, incapable of P-functioning.
There were significant differences in DNA ploidy and nuclear morphological parameters between groups of the living and dead ( P< 0.01).
平均DNA倍体和细胞核形态参数在健存组与复发死亡组之间差异有显著性(P< 0 .0 1)。
The level of serum corticosteroid was higher in dead group and decreased to normal scale gradually in survival group ( P< 0 01).
死亡组患者血皮质醇浓度一直处于较高水平,而存活组呈进行性下降至生理范围(P<0 .0 1)。
The splenic indexes of the dead mice were different (P<0.05), and that of VCR group was greater.
The level of serum glucocorticosteroid was higher in dead group and decreased step by step in survival group( P< 0 01).
循环血皮质醇浓度显示死亡组患者一直处于较高水平 ,而存活组呈进行性下降 (P< 0 0 1)。
Results The levels of serum albumin and scores of serious illness remarkably decreased in dead cases. The differences did reach statistical significance(P<0.02, P<0.01).
Efforts at CPR proved fruitless, and Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:26 p. m.
And on Nov 28, the owner of the 10 dead alpacas requested and received a special "depredation permit" to hire a hunter to kill P-45.
11月28日,失去10只羊驼的农场主要求并收到了一项特别的“掠夺许可”,可以雇佣一名猎人去猎杀P - 45。
And on Nov 28, the owner of the 10 dead alpacas requested and received a special "depredation permit" to hire a hunter to kill P-45.
11月28日,失去10只羊驼的农场主要求并收到了一项特别的“掠夺许可”,可以雇佣一名猎人去猎杀P - 45。