If a message fails delivery, no record of it is maintained in the dead-letter queue.
Messages stored in dead-letter queues count against the size quota for the computer where the queue resides.
Messages can be put on the dead-letter queue by queue managers, message channel agents (MCAs), and applications.
Applications that get messages from the dead-letter queue must verify that the messages begin with an MQDLH structure.
This structure includes the name of the destination queue and the reason why the message was put on the dead-letter queue. Table 3 lists the main fields in MQDLH.
Property indicating the destination queue of the message. Typically used when reading response messages, or messages in machine journals or dead-letter queues.
Because no other indication of message rejection exists, the sending application can lose the message unless you request that it be sent to the dead-letter queue.
In the case of delivery failure for transactional messages, the message is sent to the transactional dead-letter queue on the source computer in all negative and in-doubt cases.
It is considered a best practice for each queue manager to have a dead letter queue.
In this case, WebSphere MQ adds a dead-letter header structure (MQDLH) to the message, and puts it on the dead-letter (undelivered-message) queue.
Always assign a dead letter queue (DLQ) to the queue manager.
始终为队列管理器分配死信队列(dead letter queue,DLQ)。
Although an object named SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE exists, it is necessary to alter the queue manager's DEADQ attribute with the name of the dead letter queue in order to enable it.
尽管存在一个名为SYSTEM . DEAD . LETTER .QUEUE的对象,但要启用死信队列,仍然需要使用死信队列的名称来更改队列管理器的DEAD q属性。
The total number of bytes that currently reside in the queue. for the computer queues instance this represents the dead letter queue.
The total number of messages that currently reside in the queue. for the computer queues instance this represents the dead letter queue.
The message is placed in the sending queue manager's Dead Letter Queue.
If the message's TTL had already expired at this point, then the message may appear in the sender's Dead Letter Queue.
If the message's TTL had already expired at this point, then the message may appear in the sender's Dead Letter Queue.