She felt dead on her feet and didn't have the energy to question them further.
They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think, "Geez, if it could happen to him, …".
A giraffe felled by drought lies dead on a road in Wajir, Kenya, on Oct. 9.
By the time he went downstairs, he was startled to see his aunt lying dead on the floor.
I personally could sleep for 6 hours but then I feel dead on my feet in the afternoon.
Steve Fossett, adventurer and record-breaker, was declared dead on February 15th, aged 63.
史蒂夫·福塞特(Steve Fossett),冒险家和记录打破者,在2月15日被宣布死亡,享年63岁。
Police arrived to find the boy's mother, 46-year-old Sherrill Turner, dead on the floor.
警察到达后发现男孩的妈妈,46岁的谢丽尔•特纳sherrill Turner女士,倒在地板上已经不省人事。
Lasantha Wickrematunge, editor of a Sri Lankan newspaper, was shot dead on his way to work.
斯里兰卡一家报纸的编辑拉善塔(Lasantha Wickrematunge)在上班路上被枪杀。
Andy’s description is pretty dead on, at least I thought it was until my recent revelation.
MG might be the most loyal Apple Fanboy in the world, but his review of the EVO was dead on.
Exotic fish lay dead on the bottom of a huge aquarium whose glass front had been blasted away.
Computer experts have warned that without access to the Internet "the iPad is DOA (dead on arrival)".
The bill Hillary Clinton drafted and sent to Congress 16 years ago was more or less dead on arrival.
Bill Smith, a legend among fell-runners, was found dead on the Lancashire moors on October 1st, aged 75.
46he told them, "This is what is written: the Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day."
If there aren't obvious steps for how an idea can become reality, it may be dead on arrival in an organization.
I don't really see it, I don't pay attention to it until there's a, you know, like a bug that's dead on the window.
There will be a minute's silence in the theatre at 5.26 pm (EST), the time that Jackson was pronounced dead on Thursday.
The Oberhausen centre said he had seemed fine when last checked on Monday night but was found dead on Tuesday morning.
And so in the red, glowing shoes she continued to dance till she fell dead on the floor, a sad example of envy and jealousy.
But even if they had done a better job copying the user experience and design, it would have still been dead on arrival.
Bosko Brckic and Admira Ismic, both 25, were shot dead on Wednesday trying to escape the besieged Bosnian capital for Serbia.
"It was you," said the prince, "who saved my life when I lay dead on the beach," and he folded his blushing bride in his arms.
We on Earth have protection in the form of a magnetic shield. But that shield is dead on Mars, gone for billions of years.
Despairing mothers across England paid dubious businessmen to offload their unwanted babies on the state: many were lost or dead on arrival.
If you have an iPod or MP3 player that's dead on the outside, it's easy to extract its internal storage and give it a renewed purpose in life.
The earthquake came hours after another quake triggered a tsunami that left at least 100 people dead on the Pacific islands of Samoa and American Samoa.
Fireworks weren't going off when 40, 000 dead crabs were found in the U.K., or when 2 million fish washed up dead on the shores of Chesapeake Bay, Maryland.
Fireworks weren't going off when 40, 000 dead crabs were found in the U.K., or when 2 million fish washed up dead on the shores of Chesapeake Bay, Maryland.