That’s because accidentally swallowing Dead Sea salt water would cause the larynx to inflate, resulting in immediate choking and suffocation.
That's because accidentally swallowing Dead Sea salt water would cause the larynx to inflate, resulting in immediate choking and suffocation.
Ingredients: lime essence oil orange essence oil pine tree essence oil lemon citronella essence oil bergamot essence oil Jordan Dead Sea salt.
Ingredients: lime essence oil, orange essence oil, pine tree essence oil, lemon citronella essence oil, bergamot essence oil, Jordan Dead Sea salt.
For years, ripples at the surface of the Dead Sea hinted there was something mysterious going on beneath its salt-laden waters.
The Dead Sea has an extremely high content of salt, minerals, and natural elements that have been known for thousands of years for their therapeutic powers. And Dead Sea is one of the 8 wonder.
In addition, for evaporation towers we use salt from the Dead Sea, which is known worldwide for its properties.
Some land-locked waters such as the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake contain waters that are nearly saturated with dissolved solids.
So if you want to hydrate your skin, exfoliate it weekly with a sea-salt scrub or other exfoliator to remove dead skin then apply a rich moisturizer while skin is still damp.
So if you want to hydrate your skin, exfoliate it weekly with a sea-salt scrub or other exfoliator to remove dead skin then apply a rich moisturizer while skin is still damp.