There was a dead silence instantly, and Alice thought to herself, "I wonder what they WILL do next!"
A dead silence greeted this unusual flow of words from Mr. Van der Luyden.
I am longing to have someone passing by and utter a soft whisper to break the dead silence.
In that room of 25 students, there was dead silence, everyone nodded and some with tears in their eyes.
"My favorite is when you are at a meeting and you say something, and it's just dead silence, " Bair says.
The fable world, which exhibited in this theatre, was full of noise, whereas dead silence reigned everywhere.
After a few moments of dead silence, the entire room, crammed with more than three hundred people, erupted into applause and sympathetic laughter.
There was a dead silence instantly, and Alice thought to herself, 'I wonder what they WILL do next! If they had any sense, they'd take the roof off.
If you select a particularly unusual font face for your Web page, expect confused calls, complaints, or dead silence as users never acknowledge they saw or understood your site at all.
They Shared a few moments of awkward silence before Susan blurted: "I thought you were dead."
Some refuse to believe he was just killed because-according to them-he was "already dead" : how else could his prolonged silence be explained?
There will be a minute's silence in the theatre at 5.26 pm (EST), the time that Jackson was pronounced dead on Thursday.
In that piece of land, the dead countrymen will not be left alone, because at least we are praying for them, silence.
The bell rings in the middle of the night, silence or press ignored, the heart is dead.
The blind man held still. The cold silence and the darkness of the realm of the dead surrounded them, surrounded their words.
The opening ceremony, finally under way, was marked by a minute's silence to honour the dead.
I have read a piece of news on Internet recently: a Japanese seek-and-rescue group would professionally clean, wrap, rank and mourn in silence for the dead whenever they found a body.
I have read a piece of news on Internet recently: a Japanese seek-and-rescue group would professionally clean, wrap, rank and mourn in silence for the dead whenever they found a body.