It is hard to imagine a world where the pastime of cooking is dead and meals can be created at the touch of a button.
With their competitors all dead, the progeny of a mosquito carrying a mutation that can neutralise the insecticide in question have the world to themselves.
It is a festival to go from this world across to the dead world. Let us see through this comedy of sentient being and thereby enjoy it.
The theoretical approaches presented here, however, suggest that in the real world there would be a vigorous policy response to the menace of the living dead.
Indigenous tribes in many parts of the world discovered that the best way of disposing the dead was to put them up high, rather than down below.
Let, therefore, thy husband be to the world as one already dead, and of whom no tidings shall ever come.
Let us not think of the return to the inanimate as a regression, Death has to be reinterpreted.We thereby reconcile ourselves with what is actual with the dead world.
This condition tends not to be appreciated because of what he refers to as a fundamentally false evaluation of the dead world on the part of the sentient world.
We assume that everyone could make it to the afterlife, but the social position of the dead in the afterlife mirrored that of the resent world.
Thousands of innocents lie dead in the wreckage of the World Trade Centre; hundreds more seem likely to have perished at the Pentagon and in a crashed airliner in Pennsylvania.
Most world-championship games, he claimed, were pre-arranged, proof that the “old chess” was dead, and rotten to the core.
I look at the world differently now: if police officers can go to someone's house, let them make a cup of tea and the next minute they're dead, then we're living in a world where anything can happen.
The lowest point on the surface of the Earth, tourists come from around the world to float in the Dead Sea, a lake lying between the countries of Israel and Jordan.
And then I got back to the world, and the weddings and the picnics were the same as everything had been in Iraq, silent and slow and heavy and dead.
A monument to the civilian dead of Iraq and Afghanistan would not only provide comfort to these young men but also signal to the world that our nation understands the costs of war.
Many people around the world claim to foretell the future, talk to the dead, and do other amazing (if scientifically unproven) feats.
Prior to his attempt, the World Association of Benchers and Dead Lifters World Record dead lift for a 12-year-old was 236lb, set by an American youngster.
Across many cultures around the world, there is a concern that the dead could return to walk among the living.
Indeed, we use other people's brains to navigate the world: to acquire skills and practices, and to access knowledge systems of long-dead strangers.
Scientists say ocean dead zones, which vary in size from one square kilometre to 70, 000 square kilometres, have been found all over the world.
This is part of what lies behind a slang term of the marketing and entertainment business that has recently started to appear in media addressed to the wider world: deleb, short for "dead celebrity".
Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances.
But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage.
But if he was dead, it said, they were questioning "why an unarmed man was not arrested and tried in a court of law so that truth is revealed to the people of the world".
Compared to this, the physical world is a vague, tired dream full of half dead people.
Compared to this, the physical world is a vague, tired dream full of half dead people.