Excessive nitrogen in the water system contributes to the "dead zone" found at the mouth of the Mississippi and other rivers.
The report also puts a priority on improving water quality, particularly on countering the giant dead zone that develops in late spring in the Gulf of Mexico.
We are in the design of solar water heater stainless steel water tank, the tank opening position should pay attention to eliminate the dead zone, or try to reduce the dead zone.
There is a whirlpool or dead zone below the main water flow zone when the flow changes and the size of which is related to flow but its location basically unchanged.
Storms in the next few month will mix the gulf water and the dead zone will disappear, but it will return next year.
It reported that fish kills can be caused by hypoxia, or low levels of oxygen in water, and the northern Gulf of Mexico is known as the largest so-called "dead zone" in the United States.
It reported that fish kills can be caused by hypoxia, or low levels of oxygen in water, and the northern Gulf of Mexico is known as the largest so-called "dead zone" in the United States.