By the deadline date for returning the questionnaires, two corporations expressed their support to the application, while no corporation was opposed to the application.
Deadline dates are used to indicate a target date you don't want to miss, without requiring you to set a task constraint that could affect scheduling if predecessor tasks change.
For example, as shown in Figure 1, a reminder alert occurs 7 days before the milestone date, and three late alerts occur 1, 3, and 7 days respectively after the milestone deadline.
There must be no further delays. The drop-dead date/deadline is next Friday's close of business.
The duration, including the commencement date and deadline of the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods;
Put that date in your calendar or mark it on your to-do list as the deadline for your current project.
Set a deadline for each goal - both short and long term. By what date do you want to have completed your goals?
With that deadline looming, Obama has made his most forceful appeal to date for Congress to act on climate change.
With the deadline to finish the joint definition phase early next year, the programme's suppliers are pulling out all the stops to meet the date.
The return date gives you a sense of pressure to finish yourbook by a certain deadline.
When asked about his self-imposed deadline yesterday, Murdoch said: "I wouldn't promise that we're going to meet that date."
I think we will miss the launch date, but he thinks we will meet the deadline.
If there is any need to extend the 10 workday deadline, the designee must notify the employee in writing of the reason for the delay and the date the employee will receive the written decision.
The deadline of fee payment is the last day of the registration from the date the school has set.
Party B shall provide Party a with forecast of shipping date and deadline of shipping company.
Deadline-driven development is basically a way of borrowing against the future speed of development to meet a certain date.
For mailed materials, the date is a postmark deadline.
I have a date with Autumn, provided a deadline is requested, I expect that won 'tbe one hundred centuries... for my love Dayuan.
If you experience such problems, please notify us BEFORE the deadline for a particular assignment and give us an estimated submission date.
Please submit all deliverables to the Host to the appointed place (will be noticed later) before the deadline, date will be measured by receiving the documents.
Here in particular you will find: the deadline of consumption, the ordinary deadline of use, the date of alarm and the date of withdrawal of stock.
Scholarships will be awarded within one week of deadline closing date.
The next relevant date remains Friday, when the Lakers' deadline to match Ronny Turiaf's offer sheet passes.
Enrolment deadline is 5 calendar days before the course commencement date.
Newspaper is affected by the factor of the deadline for contribution and coming out, it can not provide up-to-date information and amends a message immediately, but Internet can achieve it.
Timely - - a goal must be grounded within a time frame, giving the goal a target date. A commitment to a deadline helps you focus your efforts on the completion of the goal on or before the due date.
Timely - - a goal must be grounded within a time frame, giving the goal a target date. A commitment to a deadline helps you focus your efforts on the completion of the goal on or before the due date.