AIDS helped make one point crystal clear: equity in health really is a matter of life or death.
From a scientific point of view, it seemed ludicrous that a cat could predict human death.
Many of the bones bear cut marks that point to a previously unknown Himalayan death ritual, experts say.
Still unsolved is what makes the bees fly off into the wild yonder at the point of death.
But the point is there's a connection between this condition, this skin condition, and its decomposition and death.
How should one live, in light of the facts about death? That I've been laying out in the semester up to this point?
They found that, women who had taken oral contraception at some point in their lives had a lower risk of death from any cause compared with those who had never taken the pill.
They argue that at this point, we just don't know whether emotional pain in the wake of death allows you to come to terms with your loss, or if you can be just fine without it.
Then he said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death."
You've read at this point, long since, Tolstoy's Death of Ivan Ilych.
Psychologist Nico Frijda made a very similar point when he said, "Grief often does not emerge when one is notified of death or departure; such notification consists only of words.
心理学家尼克。 弗莱吉达Nico Frijda有个相似的论点,他说,“当死亡或者离开被事先通告的话,悲伤通常不会显现出来;这样的通告仅仅只含寥寥数语。
That's why it's natural to point to the moment of star when we say that's when my death occurs.
But in the spring of 2009, the family's plans and strategies unraveled. The turning point came with the death of a child.
And this whole industry has been conditioned by years of death-marches to the point where it even rewards this behaviour.
I knew enough about past lives at that point to draw him out, but it was unsettling hearing him talk about his death.
Lethally sharp walls to drunkenly stumble into; winding narrow staircases with no fire exits - it all screams "Death Trap", but I guess that is the point.
More to the point, could any modern writer be certain their lives would still be interesting to anyone so long after their death?
America has often ignored this bit of the Vienna Convention. Its neglect had become a sore point with Mexico, which does not support the death penalty.
Bush himself likes to point to the example of George Washington, who is still being analysed by biographers more than two centuries after his death.
An increase of one percentage point in state unemployment rates correlated with a 0.5 percentage point decline in the death rate - or about 5 fewer deaths per 100, 000 people.
At this point it's hard to see how the nation can escape from this death spiral into default.
Read for yourselves some of the comments on both my self-esteem video and my recent death and dying video and you'll appreciate my point.
I could point out that the CEO of TechCrunch is a woman, as are two of our four senior editors (I'm one of the four). And how we seek out women focused events and startups and cover them to death.
I could point out that the CEO of TechCrunch is a woman, as are two of our four senior editors (I'm one of the four). And how we seek out women focused events and startups and cover them to death.