But the Greek Church resists this practice; they believe the only place where people burn is a hell, so burning dead bodies is against the Greek concept of life after death.
One of the strangest phenomena of life is to engage in a work that will last long after death.
So we're about to spend a lot of time asking the philosophical question: Is there life after death?
After the illness, then death, of a close family friend within a much too short six week period of time, I began to ponder the fragility of life and the limited time we have here on earth...
That first year of gardening, I understood on a deeper level something that I'd always known: to live was also to die, and that the natural order after birth and life would be death.
After his father's death in 1870, Moore painted, visited art galleries, and led a gentleman's life in England.
So although it has seemed to people over the ages that the question, "Is there life after death?
When asked, the digital portrait is programed to talk about how she became pregnant after the death of a child and about the sorrow and happiness in her life.
Useful as it is, common-sense dualism also appears to prime the brain for supernatural concepts such as life after death.
But the Greek church resists this practice; they believe the only place where people burn is hell, so burning dead bodies is against the Greek concept of life after death.
After a heart attack, even a brief delay in getting medical attention may mean the difference between life and death.
Last Wish: For dinner to be prepared every night after his death in case he came back to life.
There was a Slavic belief that those who had been werewolves in life would become vampires after death.
So then, if that's right, then to ask, "Is there life after death?" Is just asking, "Is there life after the end of life?"
She moved into the convent after his death, staying there for the last four years of her life。
So although it has seemed to people over the ages that the question, "Is there life after death?"
Despite falling out of fashion shortly after his death, he was well-known during his life for allegorical paintings, the most famous of which are "Hope" and another painting, "Love and life."
I also liked it when after I sent you my first novel - Life or Death, and you said you were a bit "squeamish" that is a common reply to my novel.
Siddhartha is the primary figure in Buddhism, and the accounts of his life, teachings, and monastic rules were recapitulated after his death and memorized by his followers.
Sometimes, factors such as children leaving —or returning —home, divorce, the death of a spouse or other life changes may contribute to weight gain after menopause.
Sometimes they can become even more intimate to us after death than when they were with us in life.
Medical care after all is an area in which crucial decisions - life and death decisions - must be made.
Medical care, after all, is an area in which crucial decisions - life and death decisions - must be made.
Timely, appropriate and safe blood transfusion during and after Labour and delivery can make the difference between life and death for many women and their newborns.
My dreams turned into life immediately after my death and I have obtained the desired eternity: now I’m a robot.
After his death, in 1975, Mme. Chiang moved to New York City, where she led a reclusive life, dying in 2003 at 105.
But by the time you look at [the] evidence, the amount of faith you need to have [to believe in] life after death is substantially reduced.
But by the time you look at [the] evidence, the amount of faith you need to have [to believe in] life after death is substantially reduced.