When asked, the digital portrait is programed to talk about how she became pregnant after the death of a child and about the sorrow and happiness in her life.
That first year of gardening, I understood on a deeper level something that I'd always known: to live was also to die, and that the natural order after birth and life would be death.
Siddhartha is the primary figure in Buddhism, and the accounts of his life, teachings, and monastic rules were recapitulated after his death and memorized by his followers.
After the illness, then death, of a close family friend within a much too short six week period of time, I began to ponder the fragility of life and the limited time we have here on earth...
Timely, appropriate and safe blood transfusion during and after Labour and delivery can make the difference between life and death for many women and their newborns.
After a heart attack, even a brief delay in getting medical attention may mean the difference between life and death.
My dreams turned into life immediately after my death and I have obtained the desired eternity: now I’m a robot.
He died a year later, and then he had the whole kingdom, and after the death of his father, another one as well. And he had a glorious life.
An injection of oxytocin immediately after delivery can stop the bleeding and can make the difference between life and death.
Despite falling out of fashion shortly after his death, he was well-known during his life for allegorical paintings, the most famous of which are "Hope" and another painting, "Love and life."
How could the relationship between God and believers continue if there was no life after death?
The technology might preserve organs such as the kidneys, liver, and pancreas after withdrawal of life support and cardiac death in people with unrecoverable neurologic impairment.
As one crosses through death and after one's life is reviewed through what is known as "bardo", one will experience union with the entire human species as a living ancestor.
The recovery of Ridderkerk persuaded its people that there could again be happiness after so much misery and new life after much death.
Liuyang guerrilla fighting with the enemy several times, li Zhen after the test of life and death.
The Sadducees used the Old Testament as just a general guide and didn't even believe in life after death.
Only after his death to be cold-shouldered look at themselves and friends under the mask of real life.
Though the human beings before brain-life and after brain death belong really to the humanity, but for lack of sensibility they cannot enjoy the same moral status as the ordinary people can.
If a person has performed a great number of good deeds in his life, after death the spirit (ghost) of the person will be arranged to be reborn into a rich and dignified family to enjoy a good life.
Committing your life to another person, until death do you part, is not always the happily ever after that you might see in fairy-tales and romance stories.
After losing her daughter Qian Yuan in 1997 and her husband-the acclaimed writer and poet Qian Zhongshu - in 1998, Yang described the toll death has taken on her life.
The poets bitterly die in this living world, and then the world will lead a miserable life after their death.
Since he loved his fans in life, it is incumbent upon us to treat them with the same reverence and respect after his death.
After that, all the angels of death and ghosts disappeared. In Thailand this symbolizes that a persons life has been prolonged.
After that, all the angels of death and ghosts disappeared. In Thailand this symbolizes that a persons life has been prolonged.