With this weapon, the Death Star reduced Alderaan to rubble.
Tarkin never returned, having died in the explosion that consumed the Death Star.
In Return of the Jedi, footage from a New Hope was reused for the Death Star gunners.
Aach informed Senator Garm Bel Iblis of Organa's discovery of the Death Star project.
Later, the 501st were assigned with protecting the Death Star as it neared completion.
Remember, it was just a farm boy from a desert planet who ultimately destroyed the Death Star.
Together they flew in Red Squadron as they attacked the Death Star approaching the Rebel base.
Due to Leia's efforts, and the help of her companions, the Death Star was eventually destroyed.
It wasn't long before the weapon was resurrected in an improved form aboard the second Death Star.
Their mission was to destroy the shield generator that protected the second Death Star high in orbit.
Ackbar uncovered many Imperial projects that were thought to be classified, including the Death Star.
The Death Star was the code name of an unspeakably powerful and horrific weapon developed by the Empire.
He was the only one of the four Grand Admirals aboard the second Death Star who did not escape its destruction.
A huge generator complex with a parabolic emitter dish projected a defensive shield around the second Death Star.
As he convalesced, he admitted his guilt to TK-622 moments before the Death Star exploded at the Battle of Yavin.
弥留之际,他向TK- 622承认了自己的罪过,不一会儿,死星就在雅文战役中爆炸了。
When Robert A. Lue considers the "Star Wars" Death Star, his first thought is not of outer space, but inner space.
当罗伯特·卢(roberta . Lue)把目光投向《星球大战》中的“死星(Death Star)”时,他首先想到的并非是外太空,而是另一个小小的内在世界。
The brief session was cut short as the Falcon emerged from hyperspace to find Alderaan destroyed by the Death Star.
When arriving at Alderaan, they discovered the planet destroyed, and were taken captive by the Imperial Death Star.
It was not until he was freed from the fallen column aboard the second Death Star that he regained this compassion.
The original and functional concept model of the Death Star emerged from Maw Installation, but was quickly defeated.
The chairs at the briefing are basic office chairs with casters, just like the chairs aboard the original Death Star.
When Grand Moff Tarkin's Death Star was destroyed by the Rebels, it was believed that Vader had been lost to the void.
As refinements in the technology were carried out aboard the Tarkin weapons platform, the second Death Star was developed.
He then outran the fantastic explosion that followed, and the Millennium Falcon emerged triumphantly from the dying Death Star.
Palpatine allowed Rebel spies to learn of the location of the second Death Star, and foresaw their strike team and fleet assault.
To protect the Death Star, it was equipped with 10,000 turbo-laser batteries, 2,600 ion canons, and over 700 tractor beam projectors.
Everyone who does something bad - even a murderer, or someone who blows up a planet with the 'Death Star' - is trying to solve a problem.
This center looks like the Death Star and consists of a spherical glass and steel nest and a very long, low building raised off the ground.
"Luke's initial dive into the Death Star, I've always thought, is a very interesting way how one would explore the surface of a cell," he said.
“Luke's initial dive into the Death Star, I've always thought, is a very interesting way how one would explore the surface of a cell,” he said.