These taxes actually tax monetary debasement.
Associating with people like li Mei-t 'ing and Ku Er-chien was such a shameful debasement.
Inflation hawks are puritans obsessing over monetary turpitude and the debasement of the currency.
Our products are always good as the samples we send, I can promise there will be not debasement of quality.
Scholars think that the expanding enrollment policy leads to the debasement of university students' quality.
Our products are always as good as the samples we send, I can promise there will be no debasement of quality.
Our products are always as good as the samples we send; I can promise there will be no debasement of quality.
The contractor shall be responsible for the deformation or debasement due to improper storage and maintenance.
Just because American wheat farmers gain a definite advantage from currency debasement doesn't mean it is a good idea.
The primary issue is and has been the debasement of the currency and its effects on the financial and monetary systems.
"High cost, high output, high profit" must base on something, and the exorbitant cost would lead to the debasement of the profit.
Le Monde wrote of a "double debasement: of the authority of Nicolas Sarkozy and of the image of France in Europe and in the world."
The debasement wouldn't have made Americans on net richer; it simply would have rearranged wealth and distorted production decisions.
Physical assets least vulnerable to monetary debasement win out over less tangible investments of the innovative or knowledge variety.
It has to do with the structure of the traditional family in these regions, with its debasement and with the disenfranchisement of women.
But inflation expectations, derived from the gap between yields on index-linked and conventional bonds, hardly suggest fears of a Zimbabwe-style debasement.
You will achieve strong ability service. We will help you design ratepaying, reasonable tax mitigation, debasement of money ullage, which display our work efficiency.
The dynamic stress-strain and welding residual stress during welding are the significant factors which lead to welded cracking and debasement of the joint properties.
Just consider the diverse economic backdrops that have caused its price to spike over the years: stagflation, financial panic, speculative mania and currency debasement.
The world will become desperate for alternative currencies to act as replacements for the traditional reserve currencies once their currency debasement efforts really take root.
"Sichuanese cuisine really faces a crisis, " said Wang Kaifa, a 71-year-old chef who has been leading a campaign against what he sees as the creeping debasement of the region's celebrated cooking.
Thus the debasement of the currencies will continue making Gold more and more attractive as a hedge against the dwindling purchasing power and the loss of faith and confidence in paper currencies.
The markets immediately jumped on the back of this sending the euro higher, as it was the first time in recent memory that a major central bank has suggested anything other than currency debasement.
The markets immediately jumped on the back of this sending the euro higher, as it was the first time in recent memory that a major central bank has suggested anything other than currency debasement.