The government has lent millions of dollars to debt-ridden banks in contravention of local banking laws.
If you start living life of simplicity, you will accentuate your freedom from the debt-ridden life.
Analysts say Mr Stark opposed the Central Bank's policy of buying the bonds of debt-ridden countries.
Yiyi also grew up in a debt-ridden family, circumstances which were down to the failure of his father's business.
Many see the rich world as old, debt-ridden and out of ideascompared with the young, zestful and high-saving emerging markets.
Many see the rich world as old, debt-ridden and out of ideas compared with the young, zestful and high-saving emerging markets.
When design debt is extreme, it is often faster and less risky to rewrite the debt-ridden body of code than to attempt to improve it.
"I don't want to end up like you" is not the way to tell your debt-ridden, shopaholic sister-in-law that you've decided to consume less.
The debt-ridden country is spiraling into a deepening financial crisis and may have to limit the amount of cash people can withdraw from its banks.
Four and a half months before he died, when he was ailing, debt-ridden, and worried about his impoverished family, Jefferson wrote to his longtime friend.
Provided discussion of exactly how high taxes would have to rise was left vague, most people were sympathetic to the need to put Japan’s debt-ridden public finances in order.
A divide between high-saving, asset-rich and productive countries in the north and an uncompetitive, debt-ridden south is the source of the euro zone’s present troubles.
Provided discussion of exactly how high taxes would have to rise was left vague, most people were sympathetic to the need to put Japan's debt-ridden public finances in order.
However, stocks of European telecom industries fell dramatically due to poor earnings, with stocks of the debt-ridden telecom equipment operator Ericsson seeing the biggest slump of 13.5%.
EURUSD fell to a four-month low of 1.3837 yesterday as EU finance ministers failed to present a solution to the contagion that's may spread to Italy and Spain from the debt-ridden nations.
Britain was everything a country should not be in a credit crunch: debt-ridden, reliant on foreign savings, chock-full of Banks and estate agents, and short of firms that made tangible stuff.
That could have a cascading effect on other small, debt-ridden countries -- and on the country's investors -- giving the island outsized importance amid the financial pain circling the globe.
But their father's estate in the bleak Scottish borders was ridden with debt. The only hope for the younger Johnstones of Westerhall lay in getting away.
But their father's estate in the bleak Scottish borders was ridden with debt. The only hope for the younger Johnstones of Westerhall lay in getting away.