But debt-servicing costs would still leave an overall deficit of 6.8% of GDP. Total debt will rise to 172% of GDP.
That is vital; if gilt yields were to rise sharply it could lead to a vicious circle of rising debt-servicing costs and higher debt.
Reducing exposure to market risks and avoiding significant increases in debt-servicing costs can free up resources and protect fiscal priorities.
To shore up its balance-sheet, GM is planning to cut its debt by $11 billion, saving $500m a year in servicing costs.
The real secret is to buy only in situations in which debt servicing costs are less than rental income minus expenses .
房地产的秘密就在于只有在这种情况下才可以购房,即债务偿还开销要低于扣除份额中 日常开销之后的租金收入。
The real secret is to buy only in situations in which debt servicing costs are less than rental income minus expenses .
房地产的秘密就在于只有在这种情况下才可以购房,即债务偿还开销要低于扣除份额中 日常开销之后的租金收入。