The debt-to-asset ratio is very high in many of our country's real estate enterprises, and real estate enterprises are receiving huge financial risk.
But inconsistent with prior studies, the debt-to-asset ratio, the current ratio and the growth rate of total assets are not found to be associated with beta in our study.
Firstly, your Credit Rating must be class a, and your Debt to Asset Ratio must be top notch, for the industry you are involved in.
Responses also might include measures of financial viability, such as liquidity, debt-to-equity ratio, days cash on hand, asset utilization, and cash flow.
The result also suggests that firm performance is positively related to the size of firms, but negatively related to the debt - to - asset ratio.
In our country, the technology of credit risk measuring still keeps qualitative analysis stage, that is, the debt-to-asset management and financial ratio analysis.
In our country, the technology of credit risk measuring still keeps qualitative analysis stage, that is, the debt-to-asset management and financial ratio analysis.